In the City

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Alex, Reina, Westen, and Neil explained what had happened and what they did.

Back in the mountains at the restaurant is where they started explaining their side of the story. This is what happened...

Reina and Westen had just left the restaurant. They had looked for us, and assumed that we would soon come. We never appeared so Neil and Alex joined their search to find us. They went down the ally where there were obvious signs of a struggle. Alex had found a ransom note on the ground. It said, that if they wanted their friends back, they would have to meet them in Las Vegas at a certain time on a certain street.

"Who were those people?" I asked Alex.

He said, "We think they're a large group of drug smugglers. We sent their boss to prison, but we heard he recently escaped."

"How did you guys get here so fast?" Elias asked.

Reina answered this time, "We drove day and night. One of us was always driving. The whole time we were driving way over the speed limit. We had some friends who owed us some favors, and they, somehow, got the cops to not pull us over for speeding."

"So what happened to you guys? It sounds more exciting than our story." Westen said while glancing at the glossy Mustang behind Elias and I.

I mostly let Elias tell the story. He explained how we were kidnapped, but left out the part where I was tranquilized. Then Elias explained that we were held in some type of large facility. He said we found something sharp to pick the handcuffs with and escaped. Then we found the garage and stole a car. He also mentioned the crowbar that he found.

The whole time Elias told the story he never mentioned the supernatural things I had done. I knew I would have to thank him later.

Elias told them about the tracker that he had placed on the team's van, and we had used it to find them.

"Wait, we thought the tracker was put there by those men that took you. That's why we took it off when we found it." Westen said.

Well, that explains what happened to the tracker.

Elias continued by saying that we found out that they were going to be attacked, and that we came to find them. He also mentioned that guy named Drake. Alex confirmed that he was the man they had sent to prison.

"So we came here to Las Vegas, and we found Westen and Alex. There were only two other men there in the alley, but I think they had more men waiting where they couldn't be seen." I told them.

"We're sorry this ever happened to you two. It's our fault you were taken." Alex apologized sincerely.

"No, it's not. You couldn't help what happened." I said to all them.

I could tell that they still felt guilty about it though. We then decided to meet at a hotel and get some rest. Elias drove the Mustang while the others rode in the van. I rode with Elias.

"Thank you for not telling them." I was thanking him for not telling the others about what I had really done to help us escape.

"No problem." Elias said with a smile.

"I have a question." He stated.

"What is it?"

"Would you have eventually told me about you being a dragon?" He asked.

"Yes. It would have been years from now, but I would have told you one day. I wasn't sure if you completely trusted me or not. That's when I would tell you."

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