p.19 Easter Bunny?

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"Hey there rebel." greeted Jake waving his hand to the rebel frozen at the tree. He looked at them while trying to free himself from the trap. Jake and Erin hovered in front of him with Annicka still in the guardian's arms.

"I'm still wondering how I can't melt your ice." said Jake crossing his arms to his chest as he eyed Erin's handiwork.

"I don't know either, maybe because it's special." said Erin nodding to herself, no one really knew why but even Tenggen couldn't melt it, only she can thaw it.

"Or maybe it's because you can only manipulate water but not really turn it into ice, I don't know, you should try though, at first I only disappear in the water or when I'm touching it but now I can use the water in the air too." said Erin while thinking how she trained her gifts.

"But can you manipulate water?" asked Annicka, Erin shook her head no.

"And yet you can freeze anyone." said Jake nodding at the ice.

"I don't freeze it, I create it, it's different." said Erin.

"Whatever, I still don't like it." said Jake in surrender.

"Okay enough!" Annicka interjected then she points at the rebel.

"You, what do you want at the house by the river?" she asked.

"You must know by now, you were there." said the rebel.

"I just found that house tonight, I don't know anything, I was just normal a few days ago. Now I have wings which I don't know how to use by the way." said Annicka in one breath, she getting frustrated at the events. The rebels snorted at her.

"Yeah that's a bit obvious, the way you're clinging at your girlfriend here." he said nodding at them.


"Yeah she's a bit clingy." said Erin, Annicka punched her shoulder.

"Just answer the question." said Annicka.

"How could you not know anything? That's your father's house." said the rebel, Annicka frowned at him,  thinking of going to her father to seek answer is not really appealing to her right now. Before any of them could ask more, a dagger pierced through the rebels chest, the three moved back in surprise, then looked down to see the female fairy they're looking for earlier.

"Anyone who speak will die." said she and disappeared on the hole she made to the ground.

"Quite an exit." said Jake

"Yeah who knew fairies have Easter bunnies." said Erin laughing, the two looked at her like she's crazy.

"What? Oh come on, it's funny."

"No Erin, it's not." said Annicka shaking her head, Jake mirroring her, Erin rolled her eyes at them.

"You're no fun." she said.


Marko shielded his eyes from the sunlight as he steeped outside, he's right, it's mid day in the Western realm. He looked around as his eyes adjusted to the light, the familiar breeze of the ocean nearby fills his lungs and the rumbling of the crashing waves onto the sand disturbing his ears. The Western realm, such a joyful kingdom once, but now it seems so quiet, everyone seems affected by the fact that their Maiden went missing, he wondered if the same would happen to them if Annicka suffered the same fate. Marko shook his head at the thought.

The maple haired traveler decided to walk around town and blend in with the humans, he would visit and investigate in the Western kingdom tomorrow, but he must first find his friend here. An old friend he met when he first came here for a mission, a fairy named Beet, a former keeper in the kingdom, he should know where Marko can find what he's looking for. When Beet got older and found the perfect apprentice, he left his job and settled down on a nearby beach house he purchased from an old human couple.


"There's nothing here." said Jake as he look under every chair and possibly the floors, trying to look for the thing the rebels are looking for.

" I told you, something as important as that, whatever it is, Lilac or the elder Lilac must've hidden it somewhere safer." said Erin, she's sitting down comfortably at one of the chairs as she watched Jake and Annicka turn the place upside down once more. She knew they'd find nothing so she didn't bother looking.

"Where will he hide it then?" said Annicka, her frustration showing.

"Maybe somewhere no one will bother looking?" says Erin unsure.

"Or maybe it's the elder Lilac, you said they mention another Lilac right?" asked Jake to Annicka who nodded biting her lips.

"Let's just call it a night, we could use the rest." Erin suggested, feeling the fatigue and seeing the other two getting wasted too.


"We'll just ask Lilac tomorrow." Erin said cuttimg Annicka's protest.

"I don't want to go home" the Maiden whined, the two rolled their eyes at her.

"Well you don't have much of a choice don't you?" asked Jake, raising his eyebrow at her.

"Fine!" yelled Annicka in surrender then stormed towards the bedroom.

"Right, off to bed then!" Erin cheered and followed her friend, Jake sighed and followed to two. Once inside the two girls shot him a look.

"What?" he asked.

"You're not sleeping here." said Annicka, Jake snorted.

"There's no way I'm sleeping on that broken wooden sofa. Besides it's a queen sized bed, we can fit." Jake reasoned, then he made his way towards the bed lying down next to the wall.

"Jake, there's no room for us, you're too big." said Erin nudging Jake's legs but didn't move.

"Whatever." Annicka scoffed and laid down at the other end.

"So I'm literally caught in the middle huh?" said Erin and sighed. Jake turned to face the wall while Annicka on the other side. Erin wriggled her way in between the two trying to find a comfortable position.

"Erin stop squirming." Jake complained.

"I would've if I have enough room!" Erin hissed.

"You're pushing me off!" Annicka spat elbowing the Guardian. Erin turned to face the Maiden's back and wrapped her arms around her, pulling her away from the edge.

"Better?" asked Erin, Annicka nodded and held Erin's arms tighter around her stomach.

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