p.8 Wrong answer

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"Where have you been?" asked Dray to Jake one morning they were in school for the welcome ceremony.

"I was sick.." said Jake as they sat down across the picnic table just outside the school cafeteria.

"You should've told us, you were M.I.A. for a week." said Annicka worriedly, the others nodded.

"No, you could've caught it too."

"Good to have you back." said Erin, Jake smiled.

"Summer's almost over, after the ceremony, it's enrollment, then school, bit boring huh?" said Marko, looking around the other students who, like them are filling out their student forms.

"Yeah we didn't get to go to the beach, what say you? Just before school starts?" asked Annicka, the others hummed their agreement. "It's settled then, in two weeks, we head Easton City." said she smiling at them.

"Why Easton? We have nearer beaches here two towns over." asked Dray.

"We've been there before remember? Erin and our parents went there too, I say we try swimming in the East coast, try to have a feel of their deserts." Annicka explained.

"Sounds fun." Marko agreed.

"An adventure I guess." Jake said shrugging

"Well?" asked Annicka to Erin and Dray.

"No need ask, I would never object you." said Erin smiling at Annicka, then she looked at Dray.

"Who am I to not agree, I'm outnumbered anyway." said Dray and smiled.

"YES!!" the four said in chorus, they all laughed.

"Hey Erin, do have extra pen? I forgot mine" Jake asked after a while.

"Sure, her-" Erin paused for a while when Jake touched her fingers and a shock of different aura ran from him to hers. 'is this?' asked she to herself, her father told her to try and touch anyone suspicious but she never did, afraid that she might find something she's not prepared for.

'Jake, he's one of them, he's a fairy!' exclaimed Erin to herself.

"Erin, the pen." called Jake.

"Oh, here, sorry." said Erin shaking her head.

Erin looked down frowning, thinking who Jake might be. 'Is he Quilai?' she thought to herself.

"Erin?" called Annicka, holding Erin's hand.

"Huh? What's wrong?" asked Erin worriedly, now her mind is clouded with thoughts, she can't be too comfortable.

"Nothing you just, spaced out." said Annicka, Erin smiled holding the other girl's hand tighter.


"You wanna go somewhere?" asked Annicka to Erin after the ceremony, they're just headed to the school gate. Marko and Dray decided to go to arcade.

"No, I'm good. Do you know where Marko and Jake live?" asked Erin, her eyes focused on Jake.

"Yeah, I've been there before, they're neighbors, it's somewhere behind the public library. Why?"

"Nothing much, I just saw them around that area, I'm going to the library." said Erin.

"Oh, want me to come?" asked Annicka looking at Erin whose eyes seemed to be some place else.

"No, I'm good." said Erin looking at Annicka for the first time.

"Oh, okay, be safe." said Annicka, disappointment written on her face, Erin kissed her on the forehead.

"I will." Erin whispered and waved goodbye to Annicka, then walked down the road.

Annicka tilted her head to the side looking at Erin as she walked away.

'But that's not the way to the library.' she thought to herself, then she saw another figure walking down the same path, it's Jake.

'WHAT?' she whispered, out of curiosity, Annicka followed behind the two.


Erin looked around, they're nowhere near the library and almost inside the woods. 'Where is he going?' Asked she to herself, they must've been walking for quite long now and she doesn't know where they are, she's about to speak when Jake stopped.

"This is far enough, I know you're there." Jake spoke and turned, Erin came out behind the tree.

"Erin, why are you following me?" asked he, Erin shrugged.

"You caught my interest, I just want to know something." she explained, her face void of emotion.

"What is it?" asked Jake, he secretly sent out a signal to his partner, he gave him a small bottle with water that will boil if he ever needed help.

"Who are you?" asked Erin, slowly reaching for her baseball bat hidden behind her jacket.

"Uhh-I am Jake?" said he confused

"Stop with the games, I wasn't referring to your human name."

"What do you mean?" asked Jake and stepped forward, Erin stepped back and pulled out her baseball bat completely.

"Seriously? Who do you think I am?!!" asked Jake, his hands raised telling Erin to calm down.

"Don't play innocent Fairy, speak the truth! Who are you?!!" her voice louder, pointing the end of the bat towards Jake who sighed.

"Okay genius, my name is Kuzon, I suppose you have a name too?" asked Jake.

"I don't, just Erin, who sent you?"

"I protect the Maiden."

"Wrong answer." said Erin and attacked first, Jake quickly shielded himself with water. 'Elemental fairy' Erin thought. Jake punched her and kicked her to the side, Erin fell down on the ground.

"Wow, you're strong." Erin grunted as she stood up.

"You know, you should've thought twice before coming to me." said Jake and threw fire in front of Erin who jumped back in surprise.

"Good thing you have average reflex, surprised? Oh yes, I'm of both elements." Jake added boastfully.

Erin laughed devilishly as she stood up straighter.

"You should've asked." said she, Jake's eyes grew big as white smoke appeared around Erin.

'What is she?' Jake thought terrified when Erin's bat started to frost, she jumped towards him and disappeared halfway.

"What the-" Jake uttered as he stepped back, Erin appeared behind him, hitting him with her ice covered bat.

Jake felt his whole body ache as he was thrown a few feet away slamming on a tree. He tried to stand as his knees tremble when Erin appeared again, her bat raised high, now covered with fire and lightning. Jake's eyes grew big, he's dead now for sure, he closed his eyes, he heard Annicka and Marko's voice and then everything went black.

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