p.15 Jake, you fool

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Annicka ran through the forest as fast as the tears flowing down her cheeks. She couldn't grasp the fact that her father would take away their memories like that, hiding the fact that she's been one of them all along is somehow acceptable, but betraying her by taking what's hers is too much. Even Marko and Jake hid the truth from her, now she felt pitiful of herself for trusting them, she wanted to get away as far as she could.

The runaway's eyes gets blurry by a second that she lost sight of the path, she stumbled on a huge trunk of tree and lost her balance, sending her rolling down away from the path. Her body ached as she hit the rocks, the ground and wild bushes on her way down. Annicka gasped as she hit the bottom of the hill on her back, reaching for air, she tried to focus her eyes on the crimson colored sky announcing the near end of the day. Still breathing heavily, the Maiden followed the calm voice of the water not far from where she landed, limping towards the clearing, Annicka reached the edge of a waterfall, she knelt down crying. She's hurting, but somehow the reason is not clear anymore, she understand what they did, even just a little she understood, but that doesn't mean the pain is not there anymore.

"Why?" she cried looking up at the lone star visible in the dimming sky.


"So?" asked Jake impatiently, his foot tapping rapidly on the grass

"Let her concentrate." said Marko hands crossed on his chest.

"It's getting late." Jake whined.

"Shut up!" yelled Erin, her hands on top of one root of the Ygsill, using it's connection to the trees around the forest to track Annicka's footprint.

"I lost her." said Erin in surrender, hands on her waist she sighed and biting her lower lip.

"How could you lost her? I thought you can track her down?" asked Jake as he paced back and forth.

"I know what I said okay? Something's not right, her tracks disappeared suddenly." Erin stated, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Let's just find her." Marko suggested, Jake sighed and nodded.

"Okay." said Erin.

"Wait." called Tenggen from behind, the three turned to him and Kylix.

"Erin, you go find Annicka, Kuzon and Gally, I need you to do something." said Kylix, the three looked at each other.

"What is it?" asked Jake.

"Kuzon, I need you to go to Dray's, our own tells us that Rebels have been lurking there, find out if he's connected to them." said Tenggen, looking intently at his son.

"Okay, I'll go back to the place I almost got killed, sweet." said Jake sarcastically.

"Gally, you go West, do what your mom told you to do." said Kylix, Marko nodded, remembering what Yume told him a few days ago. The trio bid their goodbyes and went on their separate ways.


Dray was about to step outside the house when the wind brought a familiar sent to him. 'He's here again' he thought and shook his head.

"Jake, you fool." he whispered, he pity Jake a little after what happened to him before, but he doesn't seem to learn from that. He debated wether his friend is stupid or just plain obedient, well, as long as he won't reveal his true self and let the low life Rebels do the dirty job, he's good.

His ability to manipulate Earth and Air gave him the advantage, using them do determine who is who and which is which when he focused, anyone who set foot on anything that is touching the Earth cannot escape him, even those who fly he can sanse through the Air. But ofcourse his gift is not only used for those silly little things, he's strength is unimaginable, sometimes he wondered how he could do the things he do, maybe vengeance is one of the reasons. He closed his fist thinking how a Guardian would rather spend his time spying rather than protecting his Maiden.

Two days ago, one of the Rebels reported to them that Jake claimed to be the Guardian which is suspicious, Jake is nowhere near a Guardian, he's helpless state against Erin is a clear sign he's weak. Nonetheless, Dray won't have a problem getting him out of the way. Erin, however, is a surprise, having heard that she tried to eliminate Annicka is the real riddle, they seem to be really close, however, if given the chance that they could get Erin to their side, everything else will fall easily in place. Somehow he doubted the reports given to them, but no matter, he will know everything in time.

Knowing Jake won't leave anytime soon, Dray decided to stay home and send word to the hunting party using the Earth that he won't be joining them tonight. He felt a little sorry of what is to become of this so called friends of his, maybe spending a year with them earned the littlest care from him. But given that he has chosen to be the enemy from the start, there's nothing that he shared with them that will change his mind. Getting close to Annicka is not really hard, she's naturally drawn to him as he is to her, difference is, he knew the truth from the lies. Jake and Marko didn't really pose a threat from the beginning and Erin, Annicka mentioned her almost all the time, but given than she looks weaker than the rest, she won't be a problem.

Dray looked outside from the window, looking to where Jake might be hiding, it's getting late, he just have to rest for now and leave the mission to his pawns.

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