p.13 You lied

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Annicka froze when suddenly she saw flashes in her eyes. 'What are these?' she asked herself. Then she saw a young version of her, 'Are these my memories?' she thought, seeing her own life flashing before her, her mom telling her something before going to bed.

"One day you will understand everything." said Lassie Lee and kissed her forehead.

Why can't she remember these things? Then there was Erin with her in the lake, they jumped in the water and Erin disappeared, she called her a few times, crying when Erin didn't resurfaced.

Flash forward a few years when she's thirteen, there she was, holding a staff made of wood, then she glowed and her wings spread wide, she ended up screaming and throwing the staff away.

'Did they? Erased her memories?' asked Annicka as she watched these missing pieces before her. They erased her memories! But why erase them?

Then there was Erin, she brought the staff. 'Wait, is Erin part of this too?' she thought, was she always there? Did she even leave? Confusion ran all over Annicka as the reality came back to her. She can see Erin from the corner of her eyes, she's unmoving, her gaze into somewhere else, too overwhelmed to bring herself back together. She reached for Erin's hand only to be dragged into the abyss of memories flodding before her. Erin's memory showed this place, the lies they told her, making them believe she's in a far away land. There was Erin when she first came here, she's trying to get away as she screamed Annicka's name, endless night, that she tried to escape and cried herself to sleep. They would take her home to try and awaken Annicka's gifts but when they fail they would erase their memory so they would continue believing the lie. The agony she felt as they go deeper in the Guardian's memory lane. Erin's wounds, broken bones and bruised muscles, Annicka gasped at this, her hand covering her mouth.

"Oh Erin." she cried against Erin's shoulder. The speechless Guardian is too stunned to comprehend everything she saw, and now Annicka saw it too, she doesn't know what to feel, pain and betrayal flooded in her mind. They lied, they erased both their memories.

"Lilac what have you done?" asked Tenggen when he saw blood drained from the two girls's faces.

"I gave their memories back." said Lilac, guilt and shame written in his face.

"What? Why?" asked Lassie Lee as she face her husband, Lilac looked away from her.

"Lilac, did you erased their memories?" asked Shi-ann, disgust laced her voice.

"I...did.." Lilac said, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Why would you do that?!" Lassie Lee exclaimed as she shove Lilac on the chest.

"They were too young to handle the truth." Indigo chimed in, the same guilt adorn his features.

"Y--you knew about this?" asked Shi-ann in a broken voice. Indigo nodded, she sighed shutting her eyes tight in disbelief.

"Who else?" asked Lassie Lee, in gritted teeth, anger starting to overcome her.

"No one, just Indigo and I." said Lilac his head hanging low.

"So...when..y-you told me about.. why I need to be trained, it was, not the first time I knew about it was it?" asked Erin, now finding her voice, but her eyes is still lost somewhere.

"Yes, I used to sneak you out to bring Annicka the staff, but everytime she would touch it she's traumatized, it lasts for weeks that's why we had to erase her memories." Indigo explained, the council members turned to him feeling betrayed.

"But why do you need to erase mine?" asked Erin.

"You wouldn't stop worrying, that's why we have to make you believe you're in a far away land, we need to isolate you." said Indigo trying to hold his daughter's hand but Erin won't let him.

"You lied...all this time you've been lying to us.." Annicka breathed, her voice breaking, tears now running freely down her cheeks, to everyone's surprise, Annicka started to glow, light escaping from her skin, she stood up facing everyone, her eyes full of vengeance.


"NO!!" Annicka shrilled Lilac shut, just then a force field appeared around her.

"You lied to us, WHY??!" she demanded, tears streaming down her face.

"We needed to protect you." it's Lilac.

"From what!?"

"Yourselves, you've seen it with your eyes, what it did to you, we're afraid you might get hurt." Lilac pleaded, Annicka shook her head.

"You should've thought of that before showing it all to us."

"We have no choice Annicka, you have to understand, someone out there is after the two of you, we can't loose you." said Indigo, trying to reason with the Maiden who's on the edge of breaking down.

"You just did!" yelled Annicka and stormed away from them, her glowing skin is no more, but a force swept at all of them. Lilac tried to call for her as well as her mother but she ignored them all.

Lilac was about to follow his daughter when a hand held him and jerked him backwards, he stumbled back seeing Erin is stopping him from going further.

"No offense, I don't care that you're her father, but I AM her Guardian, you'll only make it worse, you've hurt her enough." said Erin, her eyes dead cold towards Lilac and Indigo, she walked past them but stopped and turned towards Yenissa.

"You asked me before, wondering if she'll hate this life too once she learned what was hidden from her." Erin smiled sadly. "I think it is us who made it happen." she added and walked first, Shi-ann took her arm gently.

"Where will you go?" asked her mother, her sad face tell her how sorry she felt for her child.

"I'll go look for Annie.." said Erin quietly, Shi-ann smiled sadly at her daughter.

"We'll come with her." said Kuzon, he and Gally stood up behind Erin who nodded at them.

"I'm sorry." Shi-ann whispered to Erin while hugging her child.

"I'll be fine mom, it's not their first lie anyway." said Erin with bitterness.

"Bring her back will you?" asked Lassie Lee to Erin who nodded. She and the two boys went out of the hall leaving the older fairies to deal with the culprits.

After a while, Lassie Lee and Shi-ann left the Ygsill too, but not without giving their husbands a good punch in their faces.

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