p.7 It's not fair

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Lying down on the grass, Annicka and Erin enjoyed the day under the shade of the tree behind Erin's backyard, they talked of the things they didn't talked about in their letters. The school, the trainings, things they saw, people they met, even the silly things that happen day by day that they could remember.

"So anyway, my friends, how'd you find them? Like annoying or what?" asked Annicka after a while.

"Guys? Really? Out of options?" asked Erin playfully.

"Hey! They're probably the closest to best I could ever get, one of the boys I know, but still..." said Annicka with a hint of sadness, Erin took her hand in hers.

"I know, they seemed really nice, I think they genuinely care for you." said Erin looking at Annicka, the latter met her gaze smiling.


"Yep, but don't get me wrong, I'd still be watching them." said Erin, Annicka pouted, then she smiled.

"So, Aeolous huh? How's the people there?" asked Annicka, Erin tensed slightly, she didn't expect the question, but then she smiled.

"Well, it's a big school." ( lie ) "The people there are nice" ( lie )
'God I'm lying again' Erin thought to herself, then she thought of the Ygsill, she then smiled.

"The place I stayed at is called 'Ygsill', I mostly trained around the area." said Erin, now enthusiastic to tell Annicka about the place.

"Ygsill?" asked Annicka.

"Yeah, it's short for Yggdrasil, it is a very huge tree like structure, it's where I met this amazing people who helped me there, including your Dad, he teaches there." Erin started and turned to her side facing Annicka who turned to face her too.

"My Master in combat, Tenggen, boy is he such a hothead, ugh, he's so hard on me, his wife Ayin, quite the opposite, poker face all the time and cold, but inside I know she's nice, she just won't let it show. Her brother Ymir, he's God like in every way but childish, the first rule breaker, (laughs). Kylix is like a mind reader it's creepy sometimes, his wife Yume she teaches me meditate to help me control my emotions, keeping me sane. Her sister Yenissa, she's blind but, she see more than we can, she always find a way to make everyone at ease with her." Erin speak of them as she thought of everyone in that place, smiling at the mention of their names.

Annicka just listened, watching how Erin's brown eyes lit up at the memory of these people, she wondered if Erin glowed like that when she spoke of Annicka.

"I'm glad you have them." said Annicka and smiled, although she's not glad at all. Now she believed it is unfair, how come Erin got some amazing people to keep her happy all the time? And she almost got no one, just her parents and Erin's parents and uncle Mack, she's been miserable, luckily Marko came along, then Jake and Dray.

Erin sensed the change in Annicka's mood, she brought her hands to the latter's cheek.

"Annie, I know you think it seemed unfair that I have them and you have none, I hardly remember you mention anyone in your letters until those three boys. Again, I'm so sorry for leaving, I know it's hard and-"

"No, Erin, you don't, you left me all alone, I cried every night for years, I couldn't even glance at your window without breaking down." said Annicka looking away at Erin, she didn't plan this, she doesn't want to cry.

"Trust me Annie, I know, I cried every night too, I'd give everything to get back to you, but I was just a kid then, I really did everything." said Erin leaning her forehead against Annicka's shoulder holding the latter's hand tightly, not wanting to let go.

"I know you did Rin." said Annicka closing her eyes.

'No you don't,' Erin thought to herself, Annicka doesn't have a single idea what she went through these past eight years, the first time she discovered her gifts she was terrified, afraid that she won't be able to control it.

In the afternoon, Annicka went home, crossing the road, she remembered how everyday she would stop on the porch and look longingly at Erin's window for a moment before crying, but she'd still look, hoping Erin would appear by the window waving her hands while smiling at her. For years she waited, and now she's here, Annicka could only hope she'd never have to wait again for someone to look back at her, she smiled at the thought while looking at Erin's window.


"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!!" exclaimed Tenggen when Kuzon finally returned, but he is covered with scratches and wounds that seemed to be deeper before and is healing slowly.

"Well, you see, I've been observing, but well, Rebel bastards caught me and took me prisoner. I only escaped because they tried to move me to another prison." explained Kuzon in between heavy breathing, his clothes torn in every corner, his whole face and body painted with mud, his slightly broken wing and limping figure is a clear sign of how hard he must've fought to survive.

"I'm glad you are able to come home." said Ayin, worried and glad that Kuzon has returned, she started healing him.

"I'm glad too." said Kuzon

"How many have you fought?" asked Tenggen.

"Probably dozens, I lost count, they're like an army." said Kuzon still breathing hard.

"You fought hard, why don't you rest for now?" said Ayin, Kuzon nodded and laid down, closing his eyes.

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