Chapter one

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Waking up was the hardest for Marinette. Because she knew that she'd have to go through another day of torment. The only good part of her day was when she was with a certain cat in black leather armor.

But then again, during those moments she wasn't Marinette, the depressed baker's daughter, she was Ladybug, the hero of Paris with her trusty partner Chat Noir. "Marinette, wake up, it's time for school!" A sweet voice called, Tikki, the kwami of creation. Tikki was Marinette's kwami and source of power.

"Morning Tikki." Marinette whispered as she sat up and stretched. Checking the time on her phone she saw it read 4 A.M. sharp. Sighing and getting dressed into some black sneakers, pink exercise pants, and a black and red polka dotted tank top that shows off her sides and black bra. Putting her hair into a ponytail and slipping her purse over her shoulder, which Tikki immediately slips into after sparing Marinette a worried glance.

The small kwami remembers the days of when her holder would wake up right before the bell rang and she'd narrowly escape being tardy to school and class. She didn't see how since Marinette lived right next to the large building. Those were the days when Marinette was always happy and energetic but a babbling mess around a certain boy. Nowadays Marinette doesn't even spare a glance to that certain Agreste when she doesn't need to.

"Going out for your morning run, Marinette?" Her mother asked, already up and making preparations for the morning rush of customers that was bound to happen in the short few minutes before school started. The teenagers were always looking for a quick breakfast before heading into a day full of classes and homework so that tended to leave them buying breakfast pastries at the family run bakery.

"Yes maman," the girl replies shortly before giving her mother and father quick pecks to the cheek and heading out for her morning run around the city. She started getting a lot of spare time after she became so...insensate, so she took up making her body stronger. Every morning she'd run around the city, much like a patrol on foot but without the protection of a certain polka dotted suit and matching yo-yo. She usually jogs for two hours, from four to six, and then returns home to get a shower and get dressed.

So repeating her pattern she did exactly that, jogged for two hours, returned home, showered, and got dressed before walking across the street to her school without having anything to eat for that morning. She'd simply skip breakfast as usual and have a healthy lunch and then skip dinner. Just as she'd done every day for the past two years. Simple, right? So why was it that every time she walked up the steps of her school in her usual attire a paper bag was pushed into her chest accompanied with a lecture on how she needs to eat more.

"Alya I'm fine. I already ate today." She lies but Alya holds up her phone and presses a button, her mother's voice speaking and confirming that Marinette hadn't eaten breakfast for that entire week. This caused everyone who was arriving and already there to turn to look at her, besides a handful of students such as Chloe, all sporting worried faces and offering her a bit of their breakfasts that they had bought from her family's bakery. "Marinette, why have you been lying about eating?" Adrien asked, going to place a hand on the blue haired girl's shoulder.

"I'm just not hungry." Marinette says, moving her body so that his hand misses. He gives a sorrowful look before having the limb hold another person's hand. His girlfriend's hand. Kagami Tsuguri, Adrien Agreste's girlfriend for two years, glares at Marinette, going unnoticed by everyone except Marinette who tsks and walks up the stairs, pushing past people and calling out saying everyone will be late if they don't hurry.

Reluctantly everyone follows the girl that, once upon a time, would never have told a lie. The girl that they could all, except for that handful, call Marinette a friend. The girl that, now so bleak in front of them, was once bright and joyful, even outgrowing her stuttering when around Adrien. But now, hardly even forming a sentence for him, not out of shyness, but out of anger and resentment. Everyone was fearful and waiting for her to be akumatized. They all knew it was coming, yet it hadn't happened yet. What made Papillion wait so long to take such an easy prize?

Alas, none of the students knew the answer to that. Adrien was truly worried for the girl, fearful for the day she would be taken over and he'd have to fight her. He had decided to talk to Ladybug about the poor girl. He had stopped pursuing after Ladybug after he accepted Kagami's confession, he didn't want to lead anyone on, and besides he had thought that she didn't like him that way anyways, so what was the harm? To his and the public's eyes nothing had changed. But it was one of the last things to have broken Marinette. That night was patrol night.

She didn't want to leave her room where she had spent that entire day crying and staring at the wall, her color and joy slowly fading, but she had a duty to serve so she stood up and called out Tikki. The fresh air and thought of seeing her kitty made her feel a little bit hopeful. But it all shattered when she landed on the Eiffel Tower, their meeting place, to see Chat overly happy and watching everyone on the ground with a new interest.

"You seem happy Chaton, what's got you so worked up?" She asks, hiding her scratchy voice horribly but it goes ignored by the cat themed superhero who's ears perk up at the sound of his partner's voice. "Well I'm glad you asked My Lady," he said overjoyed, "It seems your chance was taken." He explains vaguely, causing the girl to cock an eyebrow.

"Oh? And how would that be?" She asks daringly with a her arms crossed. "I got a girlfriend." He explodes proudly and twirls in the air, going on about how beautiful and kind and amazing she is. It was in that moment that Marinette's heart shattered. In one day she had lost both the boy of her dreams and her best friend. She had thought that she'd already cried all of her tears earlier that day but it seems she was wrong. When asked about it she simply said she was crying because she was happy for him, which appeared to be the right answer since his face perked up and he immediately started patrolling, claiming he had to get home soon and sleep for his date tomorrow.

Ever since that day Marinette had been a shell. A body with no soul. Someone who was there physically but never mentally. She became numb to the world. And everyone had noticed but her.
A/N: Hey guys! This is Author Nyan! I hope you all like the first chapter of my very first fanfic! Make sure to tell me if you liked it and especially if you didn't because if you didn't then I'm still gonna write more! :D, anyways I hope you all have a nice day/night! Buhbye~

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