Chapter eleven

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I'm sorry for not posting so much I've been busy and I'm going to Texas with my dad soon but don't worry I'll try to post more often also chapter ten I had about 1006 words and they didn't save (That autocorrected to Dave 😭) so I don't know what to do about that but oh well
Diego, Allison and I left the academy and as we were all crossing the street Diego led us the other way, we were confused but then he revealed that he was accused of murder. We were about to leave before I gave him one last hug
"I know you're not a murderer, stay safe." I tell him
I caught up to Allison and we drove in her car. We sat there in silence for a long time, I decided just to go to sleep for a bit. When I woke up we were at Harold's cabin thing, I could sense that we were so close but we couldn't find him or Vanya
(I apologize but) Time Skip to after all the Allison and the cop stuff (because there is a storm and everything is turning off and on)
We began to drive back to and as we were we felt this energy being produced.
"Vanya? Is that you?" Allison yelled
We went inside and saw Vanya, I was so relieved she was okay that I went up and hugged her.
"Something weird is going on, do you know what's causing it?" Allison asked
Then Vanya said something that shocked me
"Me, I've had powers all along."  She explained
Her and Allison began talking
Then Allison explained that she rumoured Vanya to forget about her power and believe she was normal. (When you realize that the reader has barely had any lines and that because of the bloody storm nothing can be word for word 😤)
Vanya then started yelling at Allison getting more upset..
"Vanya stop it she's telling the truth, just stop please." I beg behind Allison
Everything started moving then the worst thing ever happened.
"I heard a rumo-" Allison's voice was cut off by Vanya accidentally slicing her throat with her
"ALLISON!" I screamed in tears
Allison fell into my arms as Vanya rushes to her side apologizing.
"Allison please don't give up now please." I beg as Vanya and Harold rush out of the cabin. I tried to cover Allison's neck to stop the bleeding but it wouldn't stop.
The guys came rushing in and Luther took Allison from me.
I stood up and looked down seeing myself covered in my sisters blood I couldn't move after that I just couldn't comprehend what just happened. We took Allison back to the academy and Grace came to help.
"One if you will have to give her blood." She told us
"I will." All of us insisted at the same time.
Luther's blood had that serum in it
Klaus's was too toxic from drugs
Then Diego passed out
So that left Five and me.
I looked at Allison and couldn't bare to see her like that.
I ran to the first bathroom I saw and threw up, I stood up and began to cry. I went into my room and blamed myself for everything, I sunk into my sheets pulling on my H/L H/C hair. I sat up and looked down seeing my hands covered in blood. I heard some commotion downstairs so I left my room and went down the stairs to see a knocked out Diego and Delores and Five with drinks. I went over to him and hugged him from behind.
"I didn't do anything. I basically let this happened." I say in tears
He turned around and put his hand on my cheek.
"Listen to me, you didn't know this would happen. This is not your fault." He tells me wiping the tears from my eyes.
I fell into his arms still crying. He rubbed my head trying to calm me down
"You're okay, I'm here alright. I won't let anything happen to you." He repeatedly whispered in my ear. Kissing my head
I looked up and got lost in his green eyes. He leaned down and captured my lips in a tender embrace. We broke the kiss and he hugged me one more time.
"Let's hey you cleaned up." He tells me leading me back upstairs
I went into the bathroom and saw myself. My E/C eyes were bloodshot, my hair was a mess, but worse I was covered in Allison's blood. I closed my eyes and heard a knock at the door, I looked over to see Five again he was at the door looking back at me. He made his way over to the sink and got a damp towel, with that he kneeled down and started cleaning the blood while I tried my best not to cry again.
"I laid a clean uniform for you." He tells me brushing my hair behind my ear.
I went into my room and put it on, I brushed through my hair then sat at my bed again. Five walked in and sat beside me.
(Please don't get upset at me for her not talking so much. Like she just saw her sisters neck her cut so she is a lot of shock)
"Come here." Five says with open arms
I practically jumped into his arms causing us to fall onto the bed, we ended up staying there for a bit with him playing with my hair and me just listening to his heartbeat.
"Hey do you remember when we got drunk as hell?" He asked me
I nodded
"We tried to be as quiet as possible but completely failed." He said chuckling
I smiled
"Yeah then you finished the entire bottle and passed out." I say
He kissed my forehead and laughed.
"Hey just a question, when did you realize you had feelings for me?" I asked him sitting up facing him.
"When you went into the van after stealing stuff with Klaus and offering me and Luther a corn nut." He tells me smiling
I chuckled
"What about you, when did you realize you had feelings for me?" He asked me sitting up as well.
"When we walked back to the van, the stars were shining in your eyes, your hand was around mine making me feel safe, and it gave me the last clue for me to realize that I was in fact in love with you." I tell him grabbing his hand
He intertwined our fingers and with his free hand brushed my hair back. We leaned in and met in the middle. It felt like time just froze. I never wanted to stop but there's that one thing called air. When we parted he put his forehead on mine and smiled
"I love you Y/N." he says in his soothing voice
"I love you too." I tell him smiling back at him
Dear god I finished this

Yeah this was all over the place but HAHA I FINISHED THIS CHAPTER

Now I'm gonna sleep cause my hand is going numb. Sorry if the next chapter doesn't come out for a while. Bye

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