Chapter four

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I am at school and it is lunch so prepare for another chapter
{Y/Ns POV}
Me and Five walked into Griddys Donutshop and sat down while a lady came out to take the order of the man beside us.
"Would the kids like a chocolate milk?" She asked the man assuming we were his.
"The kids want coffee, black." Five told her sounding annoyed.
She looked at the man with s confused look.
"Cute kid." She claimed as Five gave her a fake smile.
While we were waiting Five started small talk with the guy as I was in another part of my mind remembering the good times here. We got our coffees and I have to say it tasted like shit. While the guy was driving away we heard the bell ring as the door was open. I looked back to see a group of men with guns, I looked at Five and he seemed unbothered.
"I thought I would have a bit more time before they found me." He said as he continued to drink his coffee. 'How does he enjoy that?' I questioned them tried to snap back as Five grabs the butter knife next to him. I get the hint and turned invisible, he stabbed one of the guys and disappeared. He appeared outside then quickly disappeared as guns got fired.
"Hey assholes." He says as he reappeared on a table.
I took the knife and stabbed someone in the stomach. Five cause some of the guys to shoot each other before continuing with the rest.
I tripped and turned visible again in front of one of them they fired and got there neck snapped by Five. I got up and saw a tracking device on the floor. Five must have already knew he had a tracker cause he took out a knife and sat down pressing it into his arm, it was almost unbearable to see him do this. He grunted as he dug around till he found it. We walked out and he dropped the tracker on the ground. I didn't know what to say as we started walking, 'Why were those guys after him, and why did he have a tracker?' I started mumbling to myself when I felt a hand squeeze my wrist.
"You're mumbling again." He told me the same frown on his face as usual.
"Sorry, good job back there you haven't changed one bit." I tell him as it was the first thing that came to mind.
"Well I would have looked differently but you know I'm kinda stuck like this." He claimed
I mentally slapped myself then noticed we were climbing into a window.
"Where are we going?" I asked him
"Vanyas." Was the only thing he said before he climbed into the window.
We waited for Vanya to arrive when she did she got scared 'heh it's always so easy to scare her.'
(Dialogue will most likely not be accurate so please bear with me)
"You should have locks on your windows." Five suggested.
"I live on the second floor." She proclaimed
"Rapists can climb." He told her
I looked around Vanyas place it was very nice. She sat down and noticed something on Fives collar.
"Is that blood?" She questioned concerned.
(When you don't remember the dialogue but you are trying your best but hate yourself for this, that is why I have the reader think or have flashbacks cause I don't remember some stuff)
"It's nothing." He said looking at the blood
"Why are you here?" She asked
"I've decided your the only one I can trust." He says fixing his spot in his chair
'Ouch' I didn't take it super offensively, she's Vanya she will literally take a secret to the grave.
"Why me?"
"Because you're ordinary." He tells her
'Ooo low blow.'
She looked very hurt by that obviously.
"Because you'll listen." He reworded
She got up and went to the bathroom.
"So she's the only one you can trust." I joked
"You know what I mean she's Vanya she will literally take a secret to the grave." He tells me
"Besides you'll find out to." He explained
She came back and cleaned up his arm.
"When I jumped forward into the future do you know what I found?" He asked her
"No." She replied
"Nothing, absolutely nothing." He said
"As far as I could tell I was the last person alive, never figured out what killed the human race but I did find something else.The date it happens." He explained
"The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it." He said.
'Holy shit.'
Me and Vanya were both in utter shock
"I'll put on a pot of coffee." She says
As she does that I continue to process it through my head.
(Can I just *pretends to push a scene I need to write* meh eh neh push this away so it's easier to write)
Vanya gives us some coffee and I almost let it slip from my hands. Everyone I love is gonna die, Mom, Pogo, my siblings they're all gonna e gone. I remember some more simple times when we were younger.
Vanya, Klaus, Ben, and I were sitting on my bed chatting away.
"So Ben, if you never had this power what would you be?" I asked.
"I don't know, I haven't really thought of it." He says
"I would want to be a violinist." Vanya mentions.
"There's no want in yours V you're going to be one some day, I know you will." I tell her
"Well I know what I would want to be." Klaus says sprawled on the floor
"Oh and what would that be? As high as the Eiffel Tower?" I jokingly questioned.
He got up and gasped
"I was gonna make a joke but that's way to low, you've wounded me." He says dramatically  falling to the floor pretending to cry.
"Oh Sir Klaus I beg of you. do forgive me." I say getting off my bed and dramatically going on one knee.
I looked over at Vanya and Ben and motioned them to come to me.
"Dearest Klaus I offer you these people to be your bestest friends and stay with you forever." I tell him handing over Vanya and Ben.
Klaus got up and took them by his side.
"What about you, will you always be there for me?" He questioned less dramatic and more serious.
I looked up at him and smiled "of course. No matter what." I tell him giving him a hug.
Damn those times were amaz-
"Y/N snap out of it." Five says snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Right sorry I was just remembering some stuff." I explain
Five looks at Vanya and struts over to her
"Exactly what don't you understand?" He asked sounding extremely annoyed
"Why didn't you just time travel back?" She questioned
"Gee wish I had thought of that. Time travel is a crap shoot I went into the ice and never acorned, you think I didn't try everything to get back to my family." He tells her very annoyed.
I was about to calm him down but stopped 'it's been 45 years he just needs a good rant.'
"If you grew old there then why do you still look like a kid? Same with Y/N?" She asked him both of us hoping he knows the answer.
"I already told you, I must have gotten the equations wrong, for Y/N I don't know." He tells her pouring more alcohol into his cup.
"Well dad used to always say time travel could mess with your mind, maybe that's what's happening." She suggested making a fair point
"This was a mistake you're too young too naive." He says grabbing a piece of cloth from the table and heading for the door.
"Five wait, I haven't seen you in a long time and I don't want to loose you again that's all." She tells him
(I'm shedding proud tears)
"You know what it's late, I have lessons in the morning and I need to sleep, I'm sure you do to." She says as she sets up the couch
"We'll talk in the morning again I promise. Goodnight." She says as she heads to her room.
"Goodnight." He tells her
I go up to Vanya and give her a hug
"I promise I won't let him leave us again, goodnight" I whisper in her ear
She hugged back and went to bed.
Five sat on the couch and I soon followed, he uncovered the piece of cloth he was holding to reveal an eye.
"Five what the hell is that." I asked quietly
"An eye." He says the the smartass he is
He turned it over to reveal a cereal number.
"Five listen it's been a long time and you need to sleep you can do this tomorrow," I tell him as I leaned into his arm a bit.
"I have to do this now, who knows what can change the future." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear.
"Well you aren't doing this alone, cmon." I say getting up and holding out my hand
He takes it and we head out the door.
"Where are we gonna go first?" I question yawning.
"Y/N you are tired ok just head back to the academy." He suggests
"No I'm fine just didn't really drink a lot of coffee." I tel him chuckling.
We stop at a hospital, I told him to go inside while I wait for him.
"Don't fall asleep, don't fall asleep, don't fal-l a-sle-" I ended up falling asleep for a bit before Five woke me up.
"Y/N come on let's go." He tells me
"Did you get what you needed?" I asked brushing the dirt off of my skirt
"No, they almost called security." He quietly says
I try not to laugh as we headed back to the academy
"Ok I need to do some stuff in my room you take a nap I'll get you when I need you." He tells me
I nodded and headed for my room.
I closed the door behind me and looked into my mirror taking my blazer off.
"Shit." I say as I see a bullet wound in my stomach
I finally did it. Wahoo, sorry if it ticks you off that I added some different dialogue for them. Imma go work on the next chapter now bye

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