Chapter seven

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Me and Five continued to wait then we saw Lance entering his car. Five like usual took my hand and jumped into the passengers seat. We were kinda squished but that didn't stop him from holding a knife to the guys throat.
"One chance that's all you've got. One chance to tell me exactly what's going on in that lab." Five told him.
I just kinda leaned back and viewed Fives ways of getting answers.
"I...I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and sell them for cash on the black market." Lance said in a shaky voice
"Including eyeballs?" Five asked
"Yeah they're my biggest seller. I mean they sell like hotcakes. I've got a list, a waiting list, probably 20 buyers." Lance says
"So the serial number I told you." Five started waiting for Lance to finish it
"Could of already been bought, yes, off- off the books." Lance said
I just sighed waiting for this to end.
"I needed that list, Lance, names and numbers, and I need it now!" Five commanded
"I don't have it, I mean not on me. They only copies at my safe in the lab." Lance told his
"Well, you start the car, then. 'Cause we're going on a field trip." Five tells him
Lance does as told And we drive away.
I got another bad feeling
The building, it's on fire. S**t. I run up to it and see it in flames just as the building explodes sending me flying back.
We get to the hospital and Five runs out of the car. I follow right away, we run and the smell of smoke become stronger and stronger. We look in front of the hospital to see it in flames, the building explodes sending both of us back. Five had a distraught look on his face as we sit there looking at what was once the place we needed for the answer. Sirens can be heard in the distance and Five took me and Delores to a local library.
"Five what are we doing here?" I asked him
"Well we still need information." He told me before pulling out a bottle of alcohol.
We sat on the ground and started drinking it.
"I'm gonna be honest I never thought my life would end this soon." I tell him taking a hit from the bottle
"Yeah tell me about it." He says drinking too.
After almost the entire bottle we were drunk as hell.
"Ok sO we hAVe tO be QuieT." I tell him
He started laughing causing me to laugh too.
"Soooooo wHat hAppenEd to FinDing InfOrmATion?" I asked
He shrugged. I looked over at Delores and turned to Five.
"I GuEss sHe waSssss Your firssst kisssss." I slurred.
(This is basically me when I'm drunk.)
"Meh doEs it REallY maTteR?" He asked
"I don't know."
"Do you think we'll save the world in time?" I asked him
"Yeah we will together." He assured me grabbing my hand.
"But what if we don't. What if we don't find out what to do in time."
"Well then we can just retry." He tells me
"To be honest I don't want to die, I still haven't done so many things." I tell him
He puts his arm round me stroking my H/C hair.
"I know this sounds stupid, but when we save the world, would you like to go somewhere with me. As in not a mission?" I asked him
"You mean like a date?" He asks me leaning on the wall bringing me with him.
"I would like that." He tells me kissing the top of my head.
We finish the entire bottle and Five passes out. I curl up into his arm and see him sleeping. I did something I regret but don't, I kissed his cheek and fall asleep.
They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. What they don't tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.
I wake up in Diego's arms
"Diego hey long time no see." I tell him wailing my arms in the air
"You're starting to sound like Klaus." He tells me
"Well you I haven't seen in a while, can I have a hug bro?" I asked him ask he continues carrying me
"Maybe later right now you and Five are coming to my place." He says
I turn my head to see Luther carrying a still passed out Five.
"If he wasn't such an ass I would say he looks cute while he sleeps." Luther says looking down at Five
"Five is cute no matter what." I tell him
Diego and Luther both looked at me in shock.
"What." I asked
They didn't respond just continued walking.
Five woke up and was probably as drunk as I was.
"You know whats funny, I'm going through puberty. Twice." He tells us holding out two fingers
"Kinda same buddy, high five." I tell him
We fail at the high five  and Five continued to be questioned by Luther and Diego.
"Did I ever tell you guys about the time that dad locked me in a room of mirrors for a month?" I asked them
They were about to ask when Five threw up on Luther. I laughed my ass off and passed out.
Fives POV
(None of the dialogue from this scene mainly just fanfic stuff)
Y/N passed out again and I turned to Diego
"Don't you drop her or I'll stab you in the eye." I tell him
"What happened back there?" Luther asked
"Well me and her have a planned date for when the world is saved." I tell them
Diego chuckled "We all always knew something was going on."
"Ok so I may or may not like her but shhhhhhhh no one can know." I tell them
"Well tell her your feelings, be a man." Luther says
"Ok I'm gonna be honest the only people who don't know that you and Y/N are in love are you and Y/N." Diego tells me
"I'm not in love, and I'm not looking for a girlfriend. But I may consider something more serious like marriage." I laugh
I pass out too
Thank you for reading this chapter. I may or may not have some adorable and sad ideas for them. I'm gonna be honest I was so close to making these two kiss in this chapter but I decided not to. Bye

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