Chron's Disease // Corbyn

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Corbyn leans over the toilet, throwing up every last bit of breakfast in his stomach.

His stomach cramps, with an unruly ache, and he feels like crying.

Finally after five exhausting minutes, he sits against the bathroom wall, and catches his breath.

"Just a stomach ache", he tells himself.

But the boys would beg to differ.

Corbyn's POV

I wake up, to the familiar feeling of my stomach cramping, and nausea.

I've gotten used to it by now, but it doesn't make it any less painful.

It started a few weeks ago, little by little.

At first, I was losing my appetite every now and then, but then it became more often, and I would feel horrible pretty much every morning.

I haven't told anyone, because I don't think it's that big of a deal.

Sure it's not healthy to throw up every other morning, but I still keep two of my meals down, and the pain is somewhat manageable.

My feet touch the cold hard floor, as I slowly stand up to avoid causing my abdomen more pain.

As soon as I slip on a T-shirt, and open my bedroom door, I smell eggs and bacon from downstairs.

This morning, I have my appetite, but some mornings it's different.

A few days ago, I couldn't even think about food, let alone eat it, so I just drank a lot of water.

I felt fine the next day, so I continued on as normal.

I run downstairs, watching my feet hop to each step after the other.

"Morning", I say.

"Morning", Jonah replies.

"Smells good Jo".

"Thanks. I'm a professional".

"Professional chef?".

"No, professional housewife", Jonah says with a laugh.

I laugh with him, then sit down at the table, and go through the notifications on my phone.

I smile, looking through some of the funny memes fans tagged me in.

"Come get some before it gets cold", Jonah says.

I look around the quiet, empty house, a bit confused.

"Where's everyone else?", I ask.

"Oh, Jack went out with Lav and Gabbie since they're in town, then Zach and Daniel went to go see that new horror movie."

"I don't know how they like that stuff", I say.

"I know. I can't even watch the trailers, let alone go see the movie."

I grab a plate with Jonah, and we sit down across from each other at the table.

"So, how's Christina?", Jonah asks.

"She's good", I reply.

"That's good. When's she coming in town?"

"She said she'll be here as soon as she finishes up some things at home."

"She can stay here if she wants. I can sleep on the couch for a few days", Jonah says.

"You don't have to do that Jo. We can stay in a hotel or something", I tell him.

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