Dehydration // Zach // Zonah

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Requested by @Heartfullofherton04

General POV

Zach opens his eyes to have the bright sunlight blinding him. He turns to look over at his phone, and picks it up, trying to turn his brightness down by squinting. The time reads 12:06. Holy shit.

I've slept for 15 hours, he thinks to himself. Zach sits up quickly, but falls back down on to his bed, feeling like he would fall back unwillingly anyway. His head spins a bit, and he realizes the dizzy feeling throughout his body. But Zach just passes it off, as the result of sitting up too quickly.

This time, he sits up much slower, and turns to put his feet on the ground. Zach stands up, wobbling a bit as he stabilizes himself with the wall. Definitely wasn't from sitting up too quickly. He slowly walks over to his closet, and puts on a T-shirt, along with some black skinny jeans and converse. Zach tries to blink a few times and rubs his temples, in order to get rid of the dizzy feeling. But it doesn't go away.

He opens his bedroom door, and immediately can smell Jonah making lunch. Zach tries to go down the stairs quickly, but almost falls halfway through. So he clings onto the railing for dear life.

"Good morning", Jonah says, stirring up his pasta and smiling. "Morning", Zach replies. He continues rubbing his temples, and shuts his eyes, catching Jack's attention. "You okay Zach?", he asks, setting his phone in his lap. "Y-Yeah, I just feel kind of weird", he replies. Jonah looks up from the dish, his face concerned.

"What do you mean by weird?", he asks. Zach thinks for a second. "I don't know, I just feel kind of off balance and dizzy, but I'll be fine. I'm probably just hungry", he says. "Okay, but we have a show tonight, so please tell us if you're good to perform. We don't want you getting hurt", Jonah tells him in a serious tone. "I know Jo. I promise", Zach reassures him.

After lunch, Zach did feel a little better. He was a little less wobbly, but he still stumbled every now and then. It was a really weird feeling to him, almost like he was lighter than a feather. But Zach thought it would get better the rest of the day. Little did he know, it would be the complete opposite.

3:00 pm

The boys had about an hour until their soundcheck for the show tonight, so they just sat around and did nothing. Jack was playing the Xbox, Jonah was scrolling through memes with Corbyn, Daniel was working on his laptop, while Zach tried to nap. He didn't even know if he was tired, but he thought it would help the dizziness. Even though he felt better after eating, his condition worsened around an hour later. His head hurt, and despite sleeping in, he felt drained of energy, so Zach tried to gain some back.

After countless minutes of trying to fall asleep, he surrendered, and decided they it just wasn't gonna happen. Zach decided to scroll through his social media, a common thing he does when he's bored. He liked a few fan edits and posts, but quickly turned his phone off since it was making his head ache worse.

"You okay bud?", Jonah asks, as all the boys look at Zach as well. "I'm okay. My head just hurts", he replies, rubbing his temples. "Do you want a pill?", Jack asks, standing up to get one anyway. Zach just barely nods. A minute later, he returned with a glass of water, and a couple of Ibuprofen pills. "Here", Jack says, dropping the pills in Zach's hand. "Thanks", he says with a smile.

Zach swallows the pills, also realizing that his throat was dry. But he took a couple sips, then discarded the water, feeling too sick to drink anymore. Zach lays back on the couch, finally hoping to get some sleep. And luckily, after a few minutes of trying, he was off to dreamland.

4:00 pm...

Zach's POV

It's time for sound check, and lets just say, I'm not looking forward to it. I don't wanna stand, of walk, or do dance moves of any kind. But I guess it is for the fans. Even though my head is pulsing, my stomach is churning, and my vision is wobbly, I guess I'll just push through.

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