Brain Surgery // Zach

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Request for heywdw

PS, in this story Zach is still 17, since that was part of the request. Enjoy!


Zach's POV

The surgery was supposed to be a success.

The tumor in my brain was supposed to be removed no problem, leaving no side effects besides scarring.

But now, I've been in the hospital for two weeks, alone, with nothing but hope.

The night after my surgery, I had a seizure in my hospital bed.

Jonah was staying with me and saw the whole thing happen.

The seizure was about three minutes long, and I just slept for 14 hours straight when it was over.

When I finally woke up, the doctors discovered that while the tumor was in my brain, it had already done damage, giving me Epilepsy.

This was probably the worst case scenario, besides death.

They told me that my seizures are severe, and that I'd need to be kept in the hospital for a while.

I wanted to scream, and cry, but I had so many emotions that I didn't know how to express them, so I just wore a blank expression for two days straight.

It's been four days since the surgery, and I'm still having seizures at least three times a day.

The boys come visit me every day for a few hours, but they can't stay for long.

Sometimes they have to leave for business, but other times the visit is interrupted by a seizure.

Since I'm in the children's ward, there are always kids shows on, the walls are painted bright with colors, and the bedding is bright as well.

But it doesn't make staying here any less lonely.

I've missed so much while being in this bed.

Like talking about the tour in a few months, playing music, making content for our fans, interviews.

I'm missing it all.

I'm helpless.

And all I can do is wait.

2 weeks after the surgery...

General POV

Zach opens his eyes to the bright walls and quiet sounds of the TV.

Usually this would be soothing and comforting, but when you've seen it every morning for the past fourteen days, it's quite the opposite.

He groans as he reaches for his phone.

Zach unplugs the charger, letting it fall to the floor, and unlocks his phone.

He always goes to Twitter first, to read all the supportive tweets from his fans, telling him to get well soon.

They always put a smile on Zach's face.

Just then, the door of the room opens, revealing a doctor standing in the doorway.

"Good morning, Zach", the doctor says.

"Morning, Dr. Tilden", he replies with a slight annoyance in his voice.

"Well, here's your medication. We'll take you for testing in about thirty minutes, alright?", Dr. Tilden says.

"Alright", Zach says sitting up straight.

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