The Elemental Four

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  • Dedicated to Finley Macdonald

One Day in Mangolia, two girls were wandering around looking for their foster Parents.

Aqua: Hey Storm, do you think we'll find them here, maybe we should ask someone if they've seen our parents.

Storm: Yeah! Lets go ask if someones seen a Dragon! (please note sarcasm)

Aqua: Oh, yeah sorry...

Storm: Its okay aqua... Hey what going over there?

There was a crowd of people in a circle watching something while yelling, "Fight!"

Aqua: i don't know, lets go check it out.

*Over to the Fight*

Natsu: You ready, Stripper boy!

Gray: Yeah whatever pinkie...

Natsu: Its. Salmon. Gray!

Gray:Yeah whatever Natsu... Its still pink.

Natsu: Thats It! *lifts fist*

Gray: *smirks* Your going down Pinkie! *lifts fist*

Storm: Aqua! We need to stop them!

Aqua: aww! I wanna see who wins! That natsu guy is hot! Go Natsu!

Storm: Aqua! 


The girls run in between the two boys to stop them.

AquaxStorm: STOP!

The boys stop to see their fist almost touching the girls faces.

NatsuxGray: Huh? 

Natsu: Oh my! Are you ok! I didnt hurt you right?!

Aqua: *Blushes a little* Yes I'm okay.

Gray: Pfft. Stupid.

Storm: Excuse me! What did you call me! *dark aura*

Gray: I called you stupid, Stupid.

Storm: Oh you want to deal with me huh! *Punches Face*

Gray: Ow!

Natsu: Hahahaha! Gray got hit by a girl!

Storm: Whats wrong with girls! huh! *dark aura*

Natsu: Nothing!

Aqua: Storm can be really scary sometimes but she won't hurt you unless you really piss her off.

Natsu: Okay, by the way what's your name?

Aqua: Huh? Oh yeah my names Aqua, Aqua Rivers.

Natsu: Cute name! My is Natsu Dragneel!

Aqua: *blushes* Thanks, Your name is cool too.

Natsu: Thanks! *Childishly grins*

Storm: Oi! Aqua! Get over here we need to go!

Aqua: *pouts* aww! C'mon! Let's stay the night here. Please!

Storm: Okay, we'll stay one week then leave, okay?

Aqua: Okay!

Natsu: Who's that?

Aqua: That's Storm. She's my friend!

Natsu; Cool. I've got a question.

Aqua: Okay, what is it?

Natsu: Do you use magic?

Aqua: Yeah! I'm uh.. A dragon slayer...

Natsu: Really! Me too! I'm a fire dragon slayer!

Aqua: What! Follow me Now!

Natsu: Huh! Why- Woah! Your fast!

Aqua was dragging Natsu along with her to Storm, while storm was dragging Gray with her.

Aqua: He's one.

Storm: Same here.

Natsu: What's going on!

Gray: Why the heck are you girls dragging us?!

Aqua: We'll tell you as soon as we get to somewhere safe. *strict voice*

Natsu: um OK.

5 mins later

Aqua and Storm drop Natsu and Gray on the ground once their in a safe place.

Natsu: Ouch! What was that for?!

Aqua: Oh sorry Natsu!

Natsu: Its OK. But why did you two drag us?

Storm: Both of you have one of the 4 elements of nature of dragon slaying magic.

Natsu: But he's an ice make wizard!

Gray: Natsu, I'm a dragon slayer.

Natsu: Wah! How? When? Where?

Gray: *sigh* My element is earth. Only master knows about my magic. I was afraid that people might dislike me because of it so I kept it a secret.

Natsu: o-ok... I guess. But what is yours girls elements?

Storm; Air.

Aqua: Water!

Gray: Cool but what does this mean to us?

Aqua: Storm.. They don't know about the prophecy.

Natsu: What prophecy! What's going on!

Storm: Okay. There's a prophecy that there is 4 dragon slayer with each of the 4 elements of nature, fire, water, air and earth. It is said that they will protect the world from darkness.

natsuxgray: WHAT!

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