The Final Battle

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Okay so...

I'm so sorry of that horrible horrible fight scene!! I'm rubbish at stuff like that. I can imagine it but I can't write it. It's almost impossible. I hope you all can forgive me.

Also we somehow found out that Zeref might have created Aqua? Who knows? Let's get on with the story. Also comment at the end your ideas for this story! I need desperate inspiration!

Natsu's POV
I watched the battle Between the dark Mage called Kyo and my mate Aqua. I was completely confused at what she meant at she would never aid Zeref. What did he want with her? It confused me a lot. I grinned as Aqua defeat the bastard. Aqua panted as she collapsed to her knees. I struggled to move but I was able to kneel next to Aqua. "Nice.. Fight.. Aqua.." I panted. She grinned. "You too Natsu." She said with a little more energy. That's when our dragon senses noticed something. A wail. Two wails to be in fact. And a shout. I looked at Aqua worried and she looked back worried too, Hikari and Hikaru. We rushed to our feet with struggle and I saw Mira thrown onto the ground by a dark figure, scarred, beaten, bleeding, you name it. I notice she was breathing. That was good. I look away from Mira and growl as I see my children wailing and being held by the dark Mage himself. Zeref.

"Zeref. Give me back my son and daughter." Growled Aqua. Zeref looked up at Aqua and smiled insanely. "I'd rather not Aqua or should I say, Azul?" Said Zeref smirking. Aqua growled at Zeref as he called her that. "And you, Natsu Dragneel. It's been a long time since I saw you. Though not in this form. I like your other form better Natsu, or better yet, END?" Said Zeref as he laid out many verbal puzzles. End? Azul? "Also how is Storm and Gray? Oh wait, I mean Nis and Doiae." Cackled Zeref. "Okay enough Zeref. Give us our children." Said Aqua and I. "Give up your love and life and aid me with liberating the human race by death." Said Zeref. "Never. Hand me my twins Zeref." "Azul aid me or you'll regret it." "Give me my Children." Zeref laughed manically but he growled as he noticed something. "So END really did steal you Azul... Leave your END and aid me or... You will regret it..." Said Zeref growling. Aqua stood her ground and refused as she commanded him to hand Hikari and Hikaru back. "As you wish. You shall suffer as you were disloyal. These filthy sinful creatures you bared are END's blood. You, Azul barred child with him. It should of been with me." Said Zeref deadly low. Aqua's eyes widen in fear but I was confused but fearful at the atmosphere. "These are not mine. These deserve to die." Growled Zeref. Me and Aqua's eyes widen in pure fear. "NO!" Screamed Me and Aqua but it was too late. Zeref snapped Hikaru and Hikari's necks. Killing them instantly. I froze. My son... My daughter... Rage boiled up in me... He killed my children... Aqua screamed in a deep low voice that did not belong to her. "Azul..." Whispered Zeref as he smiled crazily as black markings appeared on Aqua's skin. I was about to say something when Storm let out a painful scream. "N-no.. Aqua... S-she's turning..." Said Storm as she fell on her side and curled up in a foetus position. Gray rushed to Storm but hissed in pain as he tried to hold her. I stared at Aqua as the black markings turned dark blue. I hear a gasp behind me and see Lucy and Levy. "Impossible..." They whisper. "Azul.. Is Aqua..." Said Levy. When Zeref smiled, I saw one thing in his eyes that shocked me. Love. I understood what he meant by Azul.


That was what Azul was. What Aqua was created. I understood. But my rage kept burning on and on. I felt myself boil with rage. Black and red markings appear on my skin and I see similar happening to Gray and Storm. Black and White on Gray and Storm. They stood up and stood by me. Rage and anger flared inside me. "Finally, my creations will turn to their true form..." Said Zeref. "END.... Etherious Natsu Dragneel... Nis... Nocturnal insomniac Storm... Doiae... Demon of Ice and earth.. You shall rise and aid me... My creations of my black book..." All four of us growled. Never. "We will never aid you Zeref.." Said Storm in a demonic voice. "We have found our true selves while you have deserted us." Said Gray demonically. "Our true nature has never been to destroy. We have found true happiness and love." I said in a voice that was not mine. I glance at Aqua and she glanced at me. We turned back to Zeref and Aqua said, "You harmed my son and daughter. You harmed my nakama. You dare harm my love. Never. You shall get what you have deserved." Growled Aqua/Azul. Zeref seemed angry and heartbroken. "You have chosen End I see... You shall live without him in the end.." He said deathly. He casted a spell that I didn't know. We all froze and I had no control over myself. That's when all of us were forced and commanded by Zeref and all our horror began.

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