Chapter 13

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I arrive at the meeting point. Marco was waiting for me.

"We have a problem," He said as we walked

"What's up?" I asked

"Erwin was sentenced to death, luckily he placed Hanji to lead," He snuck through the city

We find her running through the city. We stop behind a house.

"(Y/N), It's good to see you," She said

"Good to see you too," I said

"So we have a plan but I need you to meet up with Levi and his squad," She said

I nod, showing im listening

"We think we know the location of where Eren is, If this is right then we will storm the location and grab him, We know the place will be heavily guarded so that's why we need your help," She explained

"Got it," I said

"By the way, Thank Levi when you see him, He's the one who said you'd be perfect for the job, said you've done something like this before," She said

"Okay, thanks Hanji," I said taking my leave with Marco

He led me to a heavily wooded area. We found them harassing two MPs. I land on the ground and the others turn to face us, I could see the anger on their faces as they looked at me.

I walked past, "Captain," I salute to Levi

"Drop the salute, we have work to do," He said calmly

I nod.

Jean takes the MPs away and we begin to survey the MP station.

"Why are you here?" I turn to see Mikasa

"I was requested," I replied holding my blades tight

"Why? What are you gonna do? Slice our throats?" Connie asked

I sigh, "Just stay focused,"

"So your not denying it?" Connie said

I stay silent.

Not yet anyway...

We quickly and easily storm the station and et the information we need to guarantee the information is correct. 

We all leave and begin our plan.

This took a day or two to perfect but once ready we got to it. We made our way to the church and accessed the secret underground section. We begin our attack with the explosions of gunpowder. We then follow up entering and killing the Members of Kennys' squad.

I blasted from crystal pillar to pillar. Killing someone with each slice, I even used my hooks to kill a few. Each kill reminded me of my time in the Underground. Each death added to my drive to kill. Once they retreated I was tempted to go after them and keep killing but I was held back by Levi.

"As much as you want to keep going, you can't theres bound to be more and they'll easily take you down," He said

I sigh and look at him, "Fine,"

We land on the ground see to Hanji then make our way to the next area.

We were stuck, no way to get to the next area. I look about and see a gap in the room, it was covered but if we could take it off we might be able to enter.

Everything began shaking an the cover fell off. We all get through and see it. A massive Titan, clearly bigger than the colossal, bursting from the ground Eren was chained to the top of a pillar. We hurry over and help him. He turns to a Titan and creates a crystal to protect us.

Only one problem now...

We hurry out to deal with the Titan. We chase it to the wall as it crawled it's way over. We come up with a plan and begin putting it in place. Once the Titan crawled up the wall Eren transformed.

It's gonna fall through...

"It's gonna land!" Someone shouted

I look about, Eren is too small and busy.

I reach into my boot an grabbed my knife. I cut my hand and jump. With a big flash I land on the ground. I grab the Titan and push it forward. I can feel the immense heat burning at my hands. Eren runs over an places the gunpowder in and it explodes, catching me with it. The parts of the massive Titan went everywhere I fell back, I try to move so I don't hit anyone then bail from the Titan. It disappeared almost instantly and I hook onto the wall.

One of my legs is missing from the bail. Blood dropped and my leg began steaming. I decide to take my leave. Making my way up the was was slightly harder than normal but I got up.

"Are you going already?" I heard Levi

"What do you think?" I replied

"Not staying to see the coronation?" He asked

"Might show up," I shrugged, "By the way, thanks, for everything,"

"Hm?" He hummed

"Helping me in the underground, getting me for this..." I said

"Tch, Just don't get in too much trouble," He replied

I nod and take my leave 

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