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I remember growing up with another girl and three boys. We were close and always stuck together. We were told we had high expectations to live up to, this made me and the others very nervous about our future. Nevertheless we stayed strong, together.

I remember that I was closer to one of the boys than the rest. He was tall and timid but when we were together we were unstoppable. He trained on strength with one of the other boys while I trained on speed. We were always together, no matter what.

I remember my first hug, dance and kiss happened with one of these boys. I was injured and he came to my side, made sure I was okay then we hugged. We both agreed we didn't know how to dance and with how much the others were saying it's important we decided to practice together in secrecy, I struggled to reach when he held his hand up for the twirls but nevertheless we did it. Not long after, we had to go to bed, he took me to my sleeping quarters and I went to kiss his cheek, he must have had the same plan as we kissed lips.

I remember there was an accident between me and one of the boys. We were so close until it happened. I don't remember what happened but I remember it being bad, I was forced to leave.

I remember growing up in the underground. I was a mass murderer known for my speed and skills. I was able to escape any MP that showed up, I also escaped the Scouts when they came for me, the only one to do so. I managed to grab the money off the person and kept it safe.

I remember the day I had enough to go to the surface. I kept all the money and paid to go, once up I joined the military with hopes to go to the Scouts and meet Levi, the one who kept me safe and taught me my skills or that's who I think did.

I remember how I met my friends, it was the first day of training, I wasn't interested and neither was the girl I was forced to share a room with. We hung out and got to know each other, Annie was small like me and had a cold personality that many people said I had, at dinner we sat together and I met Bertholdt and Reiner. One being Timid and Tall while the other was Outgoing and Strong.

I remember, It was after training when I found out. We headed to our dorm to relax and what we both didn't know is that Annie was bleeding under her jacket sleeve. She took it off and it began smoking. I questioned her on it, saying how it was like Titans and kept pressing on and she spilled. From what I now know, there's three possible four maybe even five Titan shifters here. I was brought to the meetings to keep my mouth shut and they knew I didn't care...

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