Chapter 10

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There were two colossal Titans. One was more masculine while the other was feminine. They mirrored each other's movements to the T. Soon enough the bodies began to smoke as the humans emerged from the Titans. 

"We did it!" A small girl ran towards the boy

"Yeah!" The boy smiled

"We should try doing the full thing next," The girl smiled, "With all the practising we have been doing we might pull it off,"

"Alright, where's your knife?" The boy asked

The girl reaches into her boot and grabs a small knife, She cuts the palm of her right hand then hands it to the boy who cuts the palm of his left. The girl placed the knife back in her boot and the link cut hands. They nod to each other.

There was a flash of lightning, From the lightning, a massive Titan emerged, It must have been around one-hundred meters tall. The Titan began to walk, the children were drained of energy simply from the action of walking but they managed to accomplish their goal, fuse two Titans together.

Soon the children exited the Titan. Both were linked from muscles that connected their heads, facing each other emotions was overwhelming for the two.

The girl was over Scared and didn't want to be seen.

The boy was faced with a never-ending rage, one that he couldn't cope with.

He lashed out. The girl was beaten to a pulp, both her arms were broken, one leg, three ribs and her jaw was separated from her skull. She could heal yes but that didn't change the fact that it happened. The leader or these Titans knew he had to take action, he separated the two, hiding the girl long enough to heal then sent her to the Underground where she was expected to live the rest of her life...

I wake up in a bed. I look around to discover I'm in the medical bay back at the base. To my side was a small table with a few letters. I sit back and pick them up. The one on the top was from Annie.

Dear (Y/N), 

I head you were seriously injured in your expedition causing you to be hospitalised. I hope you're doing alright and recover well,

Best Wishes, Annie

I then pick up the next one, it was from Reiner

Hey (Y/N),

I heard what happened, I hope you're okay! Bertl is worried sick about you haha, the poor guy won't shut up about you so you better recover quick!

Get well soon, Reiner

The next one was from Marco.


You save me twice and yet I couldn't save you once, I'm so very sorry about this, I hope you're doing well, I'm trying to visit regularly to see if you're awake yet. Since you've entered that coma It's been hard avoiding my troubles so I hope you wake soon,

Your 'Freckled' friend, Marco

I smiled at the freckled part. The last letter is from Bertholdt, there were multiple pages.

Dear (Y/N),

How are you? I've missed you. It's been two weeks as of writing this letter, Annie was revealed to be the Female Titan and they have now captured her. I have been trying to find new ways to entertain myself without you here to talk to, It's mostly been drawing and training. I hope you're recovering well, I have been visiting almost daily to see if your awake, I keep re-writing this letter to keep you up to date on what's happening. They said they found your body amoungst the Special Operations squad, you were the only one alive, just, There was no sign of injury but you were out cold. Marco seemed extremely upset when he saw you, probably since you helped him and he couldn't help you, He even placed his cloak over you like a blanket, nice huh? I wish I could have helped you, You always go out of your way to help me and yet here you are in hospital in a coma. Nice work me! Anyways, I hope to see you soon.

Best wishes, Bertholdt

Annie was caught, damn. I place the letters to the side and look around, over in a chair next to my bed was a sleeping figure, the position was hilarious yet I felt bad he was in a chair. One leg was over the arm, the other was wrapped around the leg. One arm laid at his side as the other was over the back of the chair. His mouth was slightly parted and as I listened closely a quiet snore was heard. I shuffle over in my bed and fix his posture. I take my blanket off and place it over him. 

I then slowly stand and head to the entrance of the room. A doctor quickly notices me and rushes over.

Time Skip

I walked out of the medical bay. The letters in my pocket and Bertholdt at my side.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"I'm fine," I replied

"Are you cold?" He asked

"No," I replied

"Are you sore?" He asked

"I'm fine Bertholdt," I said

"Sorry, I just want to help," He looked down

We entered the barracks, "Bertl, I'm fine, Don't treat me different because I was in the hospital,"

"Okay," He said

We entered the dining room to get food since I didn't eat earlier. We grabbed our dinner and sat at the normal table.

"Shame about Annie," I said taking a bite of my bread

"Yeah, we still need to move on though," He replied eating his own

"Reiner mentioned you wouldn't shut up," I smiled

"What do you mean?" He asked

I pull out the letter from Reiner.

"Yeah, I was worried sick, I wanted you to be okay," He said eating his food

I put the letter back in my pocket then continue eating

"(Y/N)?" I head a voice

I turn to see Reiner walking over with food.

"Hey," I said giving a small smile

"How are you?" He asked

"Fine," I replied

"Good, Did you hear about Annie?" He asked

"Yeah, Bertholdt wrote," I said taking a drink from the water

"I'm shocked," Reiner said as he began to eat

"Me too," I said finishing my food

"And to say, this giant was head over heels for her," Reiner laughed

I laugh along

"R-Reiner," Bertholdt groaned, "You know I don't like her anymore,"

"Yeah, Yeah," Reiner laughed, "Saying that, you always pick people who are tiny compared to you,"

I continue laughing.

Tiny..? That eliminates a lot of competition...

What am I thinking..?

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