Chapter 1

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A cold breeze blew past. I fixed the strands of hair that were just moved. I adjusted my jacket as we walked. With each step you could hear the crunch from the snow.

I walked slightly ahead of Bertholdt and Reiner, holding the map. I knew where we were going.

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" Reiner asked as we walked on

"Yes," I simply replied

"We haven't seen anyone in ages," Reiner complained

"That's because we overtook everyone," Bertholdt replied

"Still," Reiner slowed to think

Speak of the Titan...

"There's the halfway shelter," I pointed to a small cabin

Reiner looked up and smiled, "Thank Sina,"

We walked over and in. The flicker of a fire filled the room. A few small tables sat at the side. There was a relaxing heat from the fire.

I took a seat then I adjust my clothes making sure they were tight.

"(Y/N)? How come your not eating?" Bertholdt asked grabbing his food, Reiner doing the same

"Not hungry," I replied watching the fire, "If we want to be first we shall leave when the first group arrives,"

"And if we don't?" Reiner asked

"Wait longer," I simply stated

"I think we should go at the first group," Bertholdt said sitting next to me

"By how quickly we overtook them, it's should be a while," I said looking over to Bertholdt

He had his jacket off and his rucksack was nowhere to be seen.

I sigh and look back to the fire. Taking my jacket off I realise just how warm It really was. I place the jacket on the back of my chair and relax.

"What's the point of this training?" Reiner sat down next to Bertholdt

"Perseverance," I replied watching the fire

"A full expedition for one thing? It's stupidity over all," Reiner said

"I thought you were a soldier Reiner? Soldier need to be perseverant," I replied

He stays silent.

I get up and head over to my rucksack. I open it and pull out a bottle of water. Taking a drink I walk over to the counter and fill it up.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Reiner

I look over to see Reiner throw his water

I watch as it hits the wall behind me despite me being able to easily catch it.

"Really?" He asked looking at me

"Really," I responded walking away

I place my bottle in my bag then sit down next to Bertholdt.

"You should eat something (Y/N)," Bertholdt said looking at me, "You need something to keep your energy,"

"I'm fine," I responded

He sighs, "Please?"

"I'm good," I said leaning back

"Don't force her, she'll just feel the consequences durning the rest of the expedition," Reiner said

"Smartest thing you've said all day," I said to Reiner, I look out the window, "Snows really picking up,"

"Damn, this'll be fun," Reiner replied

"Here comes the next squad," I said getting up

"Already?" Reiner asked walking over from the counter

"If it takes you that long to fill up a water then never fill up mine," I said putting on my jacket

I water bottle was slightly bigger than Reiner's since I usually drink a lot more.

"I was sitting on the counter," Reiner grabbed his jacket

Bertholdt just laughs grabbing his own.

Once my jacket is on tightly I put on my rucksack and begin checking the map, "Ready?"

"Yes," Bertholdt answered

"Yeah," Reiner answered

"Let's go," I said leaving the cabin

We begin to walk.

Time Skip

We were arriving at the end. In the distance was the large cabin.

"There! We're almost done," Reiner smiled

"I was enjoying the snow," I said walking on

"I'm surprised your not hungry," Bertholdt said to me as Reiner sped on ahead

"Nah, don't eat much anyway, mostly drink," I responded

"Water or..." He said hoping I'd understand

"Water mostly, however love a good drink," I said

"Ah..." He said

"What's up?" I asked as we were arriving at the cabin

"Nothing," He said as we entered the cabin

It was like the half way one but was much bigger. I sigh and take off my rucksack and jacket. I reach into my rucksack and pull out the food, just some bread to keep us going.

I fling it to the boys, "Here, I'm not hungry,"

"(Y/N) you need to eat," Bertholdt said

"I'm with Bertl on this," Reiner said

"Either you two have it or it goes to Sasha," I said sitting by the fire

Before Reiner could touch the rolled up food, Bertholdt grabs it and places it in his pocket, "For later,"

I shrug and watch the fire. The flicker entranced me.

"Reiner did you report to Sadies?" Bertholdt asked

"Yeah, he was waiting outside," Reiner responded

"That's fine, don't want a wrong time," Bertholdt walked over and say next to me

"I'm guessing you two are heading for the MPs then," I said not breaking contact with the fire

"Yeah, it's the safest regiment, are you?" Bertholdt said

"Nah, I'm going for the scouts," I said

Bertholdt and Reiner give each other a grim look. They both knew if the went for the MP and I joined the Scouts then they'd have no way of making sure I wouldn't let out that their Titans.

"What about if you get in the top ten?" Reiner asked

"Nah, Skills are wasted in the MP, all they do is walk about like posers, The Scouts actually do something," I responded

"But I heard you don't get much rations in the Scouts," Reiner said sitting next to Bertholdt

"Don't eat much anyway," I shrugged

"What about---"

"You'll die in the Scouts," Bertholdt sounded full of concern

"Meh, no one will care and it's one less worry for you," I shrugged once again

"What if I care?" Bertholdt said looking at me

"Then I'll be damned, thought you weren't aloud," With that I get up and grab my jacket, "I'm going outside to get some fresh air, see ya,"

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