Chapter Seven

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When I woke in the morning, I kept perfectly still, with my eyes still locked shut. The first thing I was aware of was a burning sensation slowly creeping up my hand and tickling with fire at my wrist. The pain had probably been the thing that had awoken me.

Slowly, I unglued my eyes and feathered my eyelashes to keep out the bright light that stole into my eyes. I cursed myself internally- I'd forgotten to close my blinds last night after falling into bed, having come back from spending time with Dean on the rooftop. Eventually my eyes adjusted and I managed to open them properly. I inhaled sharply as I glanced around my bedroom, seeing everything in brilliant colour and clarity. It was amazing. I could see the dust motes dancing in the morning sunshine and it distracted me. Remembering the pain, I looked down, and let out a strangled shriek. Curling and twisting it's way from inside my thumb out over the back of my hand, and wrapping itself around my wrist was an ink black swirling mark that looked like a tattoo. Looking closer, I could see the end tendrils slowly creeping themselves towards the inside of my wrist- that must be while I was still in pain. Morbidly fascinated, I watched it slowly move across my skin like a living thing.

While I was processing all of this, a voice in the back of my head was yelling:

'You're a demon. YOU'RE a demon. You're a demon!'

I sat up abruptly and ran over to the mirror in my bathroom, afraid. It was an immense relief to see my familiar reflection staring back at me, with no serious changes to my appearance. If anything- apart from my freakin' tattoo thingy- my skin seemed to be more stretched over my bones, my already sharp cheekbones becoming extremely defined, as well as teeth that looked a bit more pointy- but in all I still looked like me.

When I lifted my shirt to examine the scar on my hip, I was surprised to see that it had disappeared. Shrugging, I slipped my shoes on and went in search of Dean, and some breakfast.

"Wait up!" I heard a voice call just as I was about to enter the cafeteria. I turned to find Geoffrey jogging up to me.

"Hello, Geoffrey," I said politely.

He nodded at my pleasantries and got straight to the point.

"You need to come upstairs now that you've transformed," he said bluntly. "You're not allowed down here anymore."

"Why?" I asked, more out of curiosity than anything else.

"Security reasons. Now, let's go," he said impatiently. I pushed past him, trying to see if Dean was in the cafeteria.

"Hang on, I just have to say goodbye to someone," I said firmly.

"No," Geoffrey said, grasping my arm. I glared at him and writhed in his grip, trying to escape.

"Let me go!" I protested. I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to Dean. I didn't know when I'd see him next.

Geoffrey began walking off, dragging me with him and ignoring my protests. Sighing, I gave up after a while and walked next to him.

"So you're a demon, huh?" He asked, glancing down at the arm he held with my marking swirling on it. I nodded mutely, still annoyed at him.

We reached the lift that had taken me down here three days ago. I stopped outside it, feeling suddenly afraid. My life was going to change, yet again. I had just begun to get into the swing of things here and now I'd be thrown in the deep end...

The doors opened with a ping and I didn't have another chance to think about it as Geoffrey pulled me in and pushed the button for level 6.

I glared at Geoffrey as the lift ascended, and he pointedly ignored me.

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