I Love You and Favourite Couples

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****Georgia's POV****

Molly and I were down on the bean bags when Maura came down with Lucie. Maura had just been for a chat with Curtis and he was now with the boys.

"I really don't want you girls to hate me." Maura started with.


"Yeah. So I told Curtis how I felt about him tonight and yeah I do have feelings for him."

"She told me from the start." Lucie said. "She never wanted to do anything."

"I said it from week one and I wouldn't have ever done anything because they were strong. I didn't want to spread it around the villa because it's disrespectful."

"Do you not think you should have told Amy?" I asked her.

"Right now I don't want to hurt Amy."

"I really feel like you should have before you told him."

"But that's exactly the same situation that I had with telling Tommy and telling you."

"Yeah and I feel like you should have told me."

"So do I." Molly agreed. "We're all friends."

"I could tell Amy but it would break her heart."

"I don't care. I'll tell you straight you should have told Georgia before you told Tommy and you should have told Amy before you told Curtis."

"Why would you not tell Amy?" I asked.

"Honestly at the start I don't think she was welcoming and she didn't warm to me and I know it's because we shared them messages. She was the only girl that when I spoke wouldn't look at me, so we struggled to get close in here."

I don't know what's going on any more, Maura should have told Amy and I think at the moment she's just making excuses for her actions. I feel so bad for Amy though because I've been reassuring her today.

I was in the kitchen later on when Tommy walked in and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Will you come upstairs with me? I've got something to show you, my aftershaves doing something weird."

"Yeah I'll try and help you."

He led me round the villa but then stopped as we were in the dressing room.

"So I was actually lying before. So I wanted to get you up here because I've kind of got something to tell you." He looked so nervous, like he was avoiding eye contact with me. "So Yeah let's go onto the balcony."

I stopped at the site that was in front of me. Tommy had positioned all the Islanders into a love heart on the grass below and placed fairy lights all around the balcony, which were usually in the garden.

"What's all this?" I asked and went in for a hug.

"So I just wanted to tell you...." He started but then stopped. "I know it might seem early but...."

"Tommy. Just tell me."

"I love you." My heart stopped. "I know it may seem soon and we've only known each other a month but I've never been so certain of anything in my life. I know I've told you before but you complete me and I never expected anyone to be as amazing as you are in here. You've made me smile everyday and you've absolutely made my time in here and I can't wait to continue what we have on the outside."

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