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****Georgia's POV****

Later on that night I was with Tommy in the kitchen, watching all the other Islanders. We noticed Amy and Curtis were down in the snug area having a chat and I really wanted to know what was going on. Amy looked really tense and then I watched her stand and walk away.

"Oh my goodness. She's walked away." I told him. "She looks angry."

"I'm going to go and speak to Curtis." He placed a kiss on the top of my head and then walked away.

All us girls went onto the balcony to see what had gone on.

"So I'll give you a brief version because I don't want to go over it again." Amy said. "But he started saying I've loved all the time I've spent with you, I think you're an amazing girl and I've loved getting to know you. But I can't promise it will happen again."

"It won't happen again?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah that. But I've said we can be civil for everyone's sakes in here."

"I really don't understand." Molly said. "He acted like the perfect guy"

"Dreams are oversold in this place." Amber said. "You know I think he went about this in quite a sly way and I think even now he's not being totally honest."

"Do you know what I had the most amazing life as a single girl and I was happy if someone could just slot into that. But if they couldn't then forget it. But you know what girls I've found my special something in you all."

"Ahh. We've all found love." I told her. "But you've still got time and you need to remember that."

"I love all you girls."

We were about to make our way in when Amy pulled me back to sit down next to her. We waited for everyone else to go in before we started the conversation.

"So I just wanted to say that I know before Casa Amor I was out of order to say all that stuff to you. I guess I thought I was being a good friend but I can see now that it was wrong and it so sorry for that. I never wanted you to be insecure over your relationship with Tommy or your friendship with any of us girls."

"Honestly it's absolutely fine." I told her. "It's a long time ago in here and I don't want to hold a grudge. I think you was at a bad place at that point and I want to just support you now coming back from all this."

"Do you honestly think Curtis ever liked me?" She asked.

"If I'm honest I think he did but he realised something was missing. I know it's hard right now but I think it's much better that all this has happened now and not a month or two months down the line."

"It's just going to be hard watching him with any other girls." She said. "I mean whilst he's been in here it's always been me and him."

"It has but another guy could come in here who takes your mind off it anyway. You've just got to be positive and see this as a learning curve."


The next morning I got changed and heard Amber and Molly going out to chat with Amy so went to join them. I had on a little black bikini and some little shorts.

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