Chapter 7

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You wake up slowly, your eyes opening slowly as the sound of birds and shuffling from the hallway. Your eyes widened and your face went hot when you saw that you were just an inch away from Bakugou's chest. Looking up, you saw that he was asleep, his head tilted down, and his face peaceful, his soft and even breath fanning on your forehead. Your arms were trapped between his chest and yours, his arms holding you close, one of his legs over yours and pinning them down.

Sliding down to try and get out of his arms, only to have them tighten and lower to your waist, his head lowering until his forehead touched your head. Your face was on fire with how close you were to him, memories of the night before suddenly flooding into your mind. After about a minute, the blonde's hold loosened, and you tried to get out of his grip again, only from him to tighten his hold. You waited again from his grip to loosen, wanting to get out of his embrace so that your face could finally cool off, your heart pounding a little and your stomach flipping, but you don't know why.

Bakugou's grip never loosened, but you felt his body tense, his breath hitching from above you. Hearing that, you knew he was awake, freezing where you were and waited for him to yell at you for being to close or for waking him. You look up hesitantly at Bakugou, your (e/c) eyes meeting his crimson red ones, your heart fluttering as you looked into them. His eyes were open in shock, his body tense, a slight pink tinting his cheeks, his mouth opening to say something.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Loud beeping made you jump, you quirk activating and you shifted into your wolf, instinctively jumping out of Bakugou's arms, falling off the bed int he process and bringing the blanket with you. You landed on your side, whining slightly when your chin hit the floor and made you bite your tongue, the blanket landing on you to hide your entire body but the tip of your tail. The beeping stopped when a thump came from over head, your body tensing when you heard feet hit the floor next to you.

Your ears pinned back a little as you sat up, your vision covered and smell messed up, your head turning to find the blonde. The blanket was lifted off of your head, a soft chuckle coming from in front of you, your eyes instantly meeting his as he smiled at you, amusement gleaming in his eyes.

"You've never heard an alarm clock, have you?" He asked, his smile fading into a concerned look. "Did you get hurt?"

You shook your head, any pain from the fall now gone, even though the tip of your tongue was still a little sore. A knock at the door made your head snap to it, your body tensing as Bakugou glared at it. He stood up and stalked toward the door, you taking it as your cue and dove under his bed, hunkering in the back and watched as he opened the door in a rough yank.

"What the hell do you want, dumb hair?" He growled, your ears pricking a little, but you still stayed under the bed, in case anyone else was in the hall.

"You said that you would explain the dog." Kirishima explained, Bakugou grumbling as he stood in the door way. "Come on man. You got to tell me what's up with her. Where did you get her? How did Aizawa let you keep her?"

Bakugou stood in silence, his arms crossed as he stared into the red head's eyes, his body tense and looked like he was ready for a fight. With a sigh, his pose relaxed, his hand now holding the door as Kirishima smiled, showing all of his teeth.

"Give me a second." Bakugou grumbled, closing the door before Kirishima could say anything.

You watch as he walked back to the bed, crouching on the floor in front of it and looked at you, his expression full of annoyance. He glared at the door for a second before looking at you, his crimson eyes softening, but his jaw was still set.

"Is it okay if I tell shitty hair about this?" Bakugou asked, watching you as you thought about a moment, crawling a little so that he could see you clearly.

Broken Wolf (Bakugou x wolf!reader)Where stories live. Discover now