What Now?

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You sit up in the hospital bed, rubbing your eyes.

"Y/N." Jason is sitting at the foot of the bed, one hand on your knee. "How do you feel?"

You look at him, blinking slowly while your eyes focus on his worried face. "Weird. W-what happened?"

"Do you remember anything? Anything about Riley?"

You rub your temples for a few seconds, letting everything come back to you. "Um...yeah, kind of. I remember him attacking me and then Christina was there, then Lauren...then..nothing."

Jason nods. "Well, Riley is in prison, for a really long time. He got charged with child abuse and attempted murder, and he didn't exactly deny it on the stand so, there's that."

"How long was I out?"

"They had to put you in a medically induced coma to keep you from suffering any long term brain damage. It's December twentieth."

"Oh my god." You bury your head in your hands. "Holy shit."


You look up and see Lauren standing in the doorway, her sisters gathered behind her. 

"Lauren." When your eyes meet hers, suddenly everything feels okay.

She runs over, wrapping her arms around you. Dani follows right after, then Amy, then the rest of the girls. 

"Guys, let her breathe." Jason says, letting out a slight laugh. 

The girls back off slightly. Dani and Lauren sit beside you on the bed, the other girls hovering around you. Amy sits beside Jason on the foot of the bed, grabbing his hand.

Lauren cups both your cheeks, gently turning your head so she can inspect your face. Her thumb softly grazes the nearly healed cut on your cheek. "How do you feel, Y/N/N?"

"I feel okay." You lean into her touch. "I can't believe it's December twentieth. The Christmas season is the best and I missed so much of it."

"That's your concern right now?" Lauren asks with a small laugh.

"I mean... yes?"

"God, I love you." Lauren leans in to peck your lips.

"Do you want us to give you some privacy?" Dani asks. "Because I refuse to leave." She wraps an arm around your shoulder as Lauren releases your face, and you lean against your friend. "Dude, you are not allowed to scare us like that ever again."

You look back at Jason. "What do we do now, Jace? Where do we stay?"

"I've been staying with them." Jason says, gesturing to the girls around you.

Christina pulls a chair up to the bed and grabs your hand. "We've been talking to our parents, and they've already done all the paperwork and stuff. They're going to be your and Jason's guardians until you turn eighteen."

Katherine nods. "Yeah. Our basement is huge, so they're converting it into a bedroom for you and Jace."

"You'll love it." Jason adds. "Don't worry though. We're gonna put up a curtain."

You nod along to what they're saying, and the emotions you're feeling become too much, and you can't stop yourself from crying. You bury your face in Lauren's chest, and her arms come up to hold you. 

"Hey, it's okay." She says softly.

You cling to her hoodie, not wanting to look up at everyone watching you cry. Lauren seems to sense that, because she asks everyone to give you a minute. When you hear the door close, you look up at Lauren.

"I'm sorry." You whisper.

She shakes her head, wiping your tears away. "You have nothing to apologize for, baby. I love you, okay? I love you so much and so does Jason and so does my family. We're all going to be here for you, no matter what, and Riley is going to be in prison for a long time so he won't be hurting you anymore."

"I don't want to be a burden." You say.

"You could never be a burden. My family freaking adores you and Jace, okay? You two living with us won't be anything short of wonderful."

You wrap yourself back around your girlfriend and she kisses the top of your head.


"You're so going to get famous!" You exclaim, sitting on Lauren's bed, watching Cimorelli's first video.

Lauren, who is sitting beside you, smiles at your excited face. "Probably not, but it was so fun making it. We have like twelve more filmed."

You look at her, jaw dropped. "Seriously? When are you posting them?"

"We decided to post one every Saturday." Lisa says from her bed. "But that might be hard because editing is sooo annoying." 

"I can edit them." You offer.

Lisa sits up. "Wait. Seriously?"

You shrug. "Sure. I took skills classes on editing and stuff at my school in New York. I like it."

"Oh thank god! Having to edit was the one thing making me second guess this whole band thing."

Lauren wraps an arm around you and kisses your cheek. "You're amazing, Y/N/N. But no editing until after Christmas. We have tons of Holiday stuff to get done since you missed out on so much."

You grin at her. "Sounds great."


A few days after Christmas, you show the girls the first video you edited for them, a One Direction Medley. You chew on your bottom lip nervously, as they gather around your laptop. 

After a few minutes, Christina gives you a bright smile. "Y/N! That was so good!"

Dani nods in agreement. "I loved it."

"And the bloopers thing at the end was so funny!" Lisa adds.

Lauren walks over to the chair you're sitting in and settles into your lap. "You're so talented." Her hands rest around your neck, pulling you in for a quick kiss.

"Will you edit all our videos?" Katherine asks. "I mean, we don't get paid for this stuff, but if we ever did then being our video editor could be like your job."

"That sounds amazing." 

Lauren starts kissing all over your face. "You. Sound. Amazing."

"Okay. I'm leaving." Dani says. "You two obviously need a room."

"Speaking of that, I'm going to find Jason." Amy says.

"Amy!" Katherine exclaims. 

All of the girls leave, spreading out to different areas of the house, leaving you and Lauren alone.

"I love you." You tell your girlfriend.

"I love you more."

A/N The next chapter will be the last chapter where I wrap everything up a little more. After that, I will be publishing a Dani/You story and another Lauren/You story. I actually have two Lauren/You stories in the works so I'll have to see which one I want to publish first. Make sure to follow me so you're able to see when those are up! 

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