The Road Trip

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a/n Hey guys! I have gotten so many nice comments on this story and I'm so thankful for those! This story probably will not last much longer, maybe six or so chapters. It was never meant to be long at all, but I still have the imagines book and two more Cimorelli stories in the works. One story is about you going on tour with Cimorelli, and the other is a werewolf fic. Not sure how I feel about the werewolf one, but thought I would let you guys know so you can tell me if there is one story you would like to see first.

Jason wakes up way too early on the day of the road trip. He's so excited he's bouncing. You're excited too, but also really tired because you stayed up all night talking to Lauren on the phone. You were both watching The Office, different episodes though, and you kept arguing about which one was the funniest.

You're sitting on the porch with Jason, both of you holding on to duffel bags. You don't need much since it's just a few days. The girls are borrowing one of their parents cars so there's enough room. Christina is driving you, Lauren, Jason, and Amy in the jeep. Katherine is driving in the smaller car with Dani and Lisa. 

The jeep pulls into your driveway, and Jason hurries to put both of your bags in the back. Amy is in the front seat, so you and Jason hop in the back with Lauren. You're pushed into the middle seat because you're the smallest. 

Lauren immediately gives you a bright smile, handing over an iced coffee. "We went to Starbucks."

You gratefully grab the drink. "You're the best."

Christina pulls onto the road, following behind the other car. You sit the drink in the cup holder and settle into Lauren's side, your head laying on her shoulder.

"Sleepy?" She asks. You just hum in response, and she adds, "You should have gotten a good night's sleep."

"You're the one who thought we could get through a whole season of The Office."

"We definitely could have if you hadn't passed out."

"It was an unrealistic goal." You yawn.

Lauren laughs, and the sound makes you smile. She lets her head rest against yours, her hand reaching out to grab yours. It doesn't take long for you to drift to sleep. 


Lauren wakes up just two hours later. You're still asleep, but you've moved so you're laying down, your head in her lap. She strokes your hair and looks up to see Amy watching her. Jason is asleep too, leaning against the window. 

"What are you looking at, Aimes?"

She looks down at you, then back up at Lauren. "When are you gonna ask her out?"

"When are you asking Jason out?"

Amy starts blushing, looking down like Lauren won't notice. "He told me he wants to ask me to be his girlfriend in a really cute way while we're at the cabin."

"That's adorable." Christina speaks up.

Lauren looks down at you, wondering if she should do something like that for you. Maybe she could do it after the trip and involve Roscoe in some way. She looks back up to meet Christina's eyes in the rearview mirror.

"What about Dani?"

"What about her? I've told her about everything I've done with Y/N, and she's taken her on dates too."

Amy turns back around in her seat to face the front. "Dani will be fine, Laur. You can't let her keep you from going after a girl you really like. Y/N is one of my best friends. I've seen her around the both of you, and she's definitely into you."

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