Radio Silence

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Trigger warning for violence.

You don't talk to Lauren or Dani for the entire week leading up to Thanksgiving Break. You still ride to school with them, but you stopped sitting in Dani's lap, moving to Amy's instead. You talk to Amy and Lisa still, but fall quiet when they mention the younger girls. 

It's just too much to deal with, especially with the show coming up. Thankfully, today is the Friday before Thanksgiving Break, so you just have one more rehearsal then a week of relaxing to look forward to. Jason and Amy aren't at rehearsal though, because Jason is spending the weekend out of town for a football game and Amy was feeling kind of sick.

Lauren doesn't say a word to you until after rehearsal when she gently grabs your wrist. "You're still letting me give you a ride home, right?"

You just nod and let her lead you to the jeep. When you get there, the back door opens and you see Dani.

"What the-" You're cut off by Dani pulling you inside while Lauren pushes you. The brown eyed girl climbs in after you, closing the door.

You're sitting in the middle of the backseats, Lauren and Dani on either side of you. 

"This is kidnapping." You state, crossing your arms over your chest. 

"Y/N, please, we just want to talk." Dani says.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you!" You shout. "Did that thought ever cross your minds when you were planning this?! I don't want to talk to either of you!"

"We just want to explain." Lauren practically begs. "You're thinking things were worse than they were."

You roll your eyes. "You don't get to tell me how to feel about this. You're my first girlfriend, Lauren. I've never felt like this about someone, and now it feels like you were just into me to compete with Dani. That freaking hurts. Just give me until after Thanksgiving, okay?"

You look from one girl to the other, flinching slightly at their sad faces. 

You notice Lauren's frown deepen. "I thought you and Jace were coming over for Thanksgiving?"

You shrug. "I'm sure he'll be there. Now, please. Let me out. I'll walk home."

"Y/N, I can still-"

"Lauren. Please."

Lauren reluctantly lets you out of the jeep, trying not to cry as she watches you walk away. Dani scoots closer to her sister, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Lo. I never thought this would happen."

"We're so stupid, Dan. We should have just told her how we both felt from the beginning. We should have never gone behind her back like this."

Dani is silent for a few minutes before she says, "I didn't know you were falling in love with her. I really didn't, Lauren. I would have backed off immediately. Mine was just a little crush."

"So you'll be okay if she forgives us and I stay with her? And all you are is her friend?"

"Obviously." Dani gives her sister's shoulder a comforting squeeze. "You're my sister and she's my best friend. You two being happy is all that really matters." She allows herself to smile a little. "Plus, I always have a crush on someone. I'm sure I'll move on to someone else sooner rather than later."

"Now we just have to get her to forgive us." 

"I think we should leave her alone for a little bit though, Lo. She said she needs space. We'll reach out again after Thanksgiving, okay?"

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