Moving Day

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You thought you would live in New York forever. You had plans to got to NYU, but your brother decided you all needed a change of scenery. New York reminded him of your parents, so he decided Nashville would be your new home. You and your twin didn't have a say in it. You were seventeen, and your brother was twenty-two, so as your guardian he got to call the shots. 

"How far away are we?" Jason, your twin brother, groans from the passenger seat.

Riley glances at his phone, which is acting as a GPS. "Ten minutes bro, chill."

You are in the backseat, sandwiched between stacks of boxes. Jason looks a lot like you; the same hair and eye color, and similar facial features. Riley might have your same nose and smile, but other than that it is hard to tell he's your brother. 

Roscoe lets out a whine from behind you. 

He had been forced into the trunk on top of some duffel bags

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He had been forced into the trunk on top of some duffel bags. He's a good sized dog, being part golden retriever and part husky, so his head is leaning on your shoulder.

You know he probably needs to get out and stretch his legs considering it has been three hours since the last stop, but you wouldn't dare say anything.

Riley hates when you ask for stuff. The only reason you convinced him to let you get Roscoe in the first place was because Jason wanted him too. You and your twin made the entire thing seem like Jason's idea, and Riley gave in pretty quickly to him. 

You reach up to scratch behind the dog's ears, and he seems to relax some. 'Just ten more minutes,' you silently promise. 

Riley turns onto a street that winds around several houses, most of them looking pretty expensive. He turns into the driveway of one of the smaller houses. It's a two story and has a pretty big fenced in backyard. The house beside it is about twice as big. You know that your house is just a two bedroom, but Riley has already claimed the basement as his room. He'll probably be down there all the time, at least.

Riley parks the car and the three of you step out. Roscoe hurries after you and starts running around the house. Riley opens the trunk and grabs an air mattress.

"The movers won't be here for like two hours, but I'm taking this to the basement to get some sleep."

He's starting some night shift job and he said in the car that he would need to get some rest so he couldn't help with moving things in and unpacking. You're relieved by that. Jason grabs a pile of boxes and heads through the front door. You swing your backpack onto your shoulders and reach for a box, but you pull your hands back after hearing a scream.

You look around and don't see anyone, but then you notice Roscoe is no where in sight.

"Dammit." You're certain he's run off and scared someone. He might be sweet but he can be intimidating, considering you got him for protection.


You hear him bark and follow the sound until you're in your neighbors backyard. You see a girl on the ground while Roscoe runs around her. It's hard not to notice how pretty she is as you get closer. She has long brown hair and darker brown eyes. There's a snapback on her head, and she's wearing jeans and a flannel. Most of her outfit is covered in grass.

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