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Right now, it's so hard to blame you
'Cause you're so damn beautiful


Sydney smiled as she stood at the front of the crowd in front of the metal barriers, excitement travelling through her veins like electricity through a wire.

It was a proud smile, because here she was, waiting for her four best friends to play in front of thousands of people on their third tour. They had all come so far, and Sydney could see that more than anyone else. She had personally witnessed their highs and their lows over the past several years, the walls they had knocked and the battles they had pulled through. She couldn't feel prouder.

Sydney pulled out her phone, flashing it on quickly to check the time. There were fifteen minutes left until they were due to come on, but she knew that they would probably be later than that - musicians often came on later then they should have so that the crowd would be even more excited.

That, however, changed when a crew member asked her to follow him backstage.

She was greeted by a rather worried Calum, who smiled sadly at her. No words were exchanged as they looked one another in the eye, neither one moving for a few seconds. The silence was enough for Sydney to realise the situation.

"Where is he?" She asked, her voice unnaturally calm and composed for the situation - she had, however, been through this with Ashton many a time before.

"He's still in the dressing room," Calum replied. "We managed to coax him back in there before it got really bad."

Sydney nodded, and it was only then that she fully acknowledged Calum. The poor man was visibly shaken, his hands literally shaking by his sides. Tears had pooled in his eyes and looked like he was ready to start sobbing there and then.

Sydney pulled him into a tight hug. "He'll be okay, yanno?" She spoke. He clung to her tightly. "He's Ashton fucking Irwin. All he needs is for you to be there for him."

    Most would think it strange that the man was being comforted by someone who was younger than him, but Sydney was the most mature out of the five of them. She had grown up quickly, and they had often resorted to using her as their safety blanket - the one who comforted them in their times of need. Sydney didn't mind - she would've done anything for the four boys.

Calum sniffled, nodding into the crook of her neck before pulling away.

"Now, you need to go wash your face, and I need to get to Ashton." She grinned. "And then the four of you need to go put on the show of a lifetime."

Calum laughed, before making his way to the bathrooms with a wave.

Sydney knew her way around the venue - she had been there twice before with 5 Seconds Of Summer, so she was hardly new to the place. She walked along a few corridors, before stopping outside the dressing room door. She tapped on it a few times.

The door was opened by Luke, who was anxiously nibbling at his bottom lip. He sighed in relief when he recognised Sydney, before opening the door wider to let her in, breathing out a thank god as he did so.

Sydney placed a reassuring hand on Luke's shoulder, and he smiled gently at her in appreciation. He may have been with Ashton the last time he had panicked, but it still tore him apart to see his best friend in such a state. Luke didn't know what to do, and it was killing him to admit it.

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