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But I know that I'm never, ever gonna change
And you know you don't want it any other way


    "And that's to the Youngblood era being officially over!" Luke laughs, holding his beer in the air, the bottle colliding with Michael's. The two cheered, excited at the prospect of being able to spend time in the studio as a band once more, creating new music that would fit their next aesthetic.

    Sydney laughed, taking a sip of her own beer.  It had become a tradition to celebrate almost everything that happened to the band, whether it be that it was their first day back at the studio or their first night sleeping on the bus. The big milestones were celebrated with big parties and outings, whilst the smaller ones were celebrated quietly amongst themselves. In reality, it was only an excuse for all of them to get together.

    And nobody encouraged this tradition more than Luke and Michael.

The group were sat back on the sofa's in Luke's living room (his was the biggest one) with alcohol in their hands, music playing in the background and snacks in front of them. Luke had his arm around Sierra; Michael with Crystal's head resting on his shoulder; Ashton with Kaitlyn's legs lying upon his lap.

The sofa was quite full with the six occupying it, so Calum and Sydney had decided to share the loveseat in the corner of the roommates. They both laughed at the fact that they were the only singles in the room, and secretly formed their own club.

Calum raised his own beer, nodding towards his friends. "And to the next album — it's gonna be even better."

"It most definitely will be." Crystal smiled. "You guys keep making music and it gets better all the time. You're all just so fucking talented."

Michael smiled at his fiancée, before leaning down to press a kiss against her lips.

Sydney scrunched up her nose in reply. "Stop with the PDA! It's disgusting!"

Michael looked up at his best friend, sticking his tongue out at her and laughing when she returned the gesture.

"What's your age again? Five?" Ashton questioned the two, laughing. "Anyway, the albums gonna be amazing with Sydney in the studio acting like our mascot."

Sydney laughed. "I am the best mascot ever. There is no competition."

"You're all gonna need her if you've got Ashton there with you." Kaitlyn spoke from where she was lying, still sprawled over her boyfriend, laughing. "He'll just dampen the mood."

Ashton looked down at his girlfriend, hurt flickering through his features for mere seconds before he laughed off the comment with the others. He was used to the way Kaitlyn spoke — they all were. The women had no filter and said whatever came to mind.

Or, at least, that's what Ashton had told them.

Sydney frowned. Kaitlyn had laughed as she had said it, and it was said in a joking manner. Yet, Sydney couldn't help but feel as if Kaitlyn had truly meant what she had said.

"Ashton's at his best when he's making music." Sydney spoke. "They don't actually need me in there — I'm just there for moral support."

    "That's not true!" Ashton protested. "You're our lyrical genius."

    "Thanks," Sydney smiled softly, "but we all know you're one of the best writers out there. I only tweak 'em a little bit so they fit together."

    Kaitlyn snorted, laughing once again as she spoke. "I highly doubt that. Ashton can't get a fucking sentence together when he's at home with me."

    Ashton frowned, before smiling quickly to hide his hurt. It was almost instantaneous, but Sydney noticed, and the frown returned to her face once again.

    As the eight in the room laughed, Calum announced that he was going into the kitchen to get another drink. Sydney, feeling quite bare and vulnerable without Calum sat next to her in the loveseat, stood up abruptly.

    "Sierra, can I borrow you for a second?" She asked, rolling her eyes as Luke groaned. "Luke, I'm sure you can live without your girlfriend for two minutes. I need her."

    Sierra stood up, hand her drink to Luke. "Eat my food and I'll fucking destroy you." She warned, before following Sydney into the kitchen. "Love you!"

    Sydney shut the living room door before making her way into the kitchen, blocking out any noises or listeners. Groaning, pressed her forehead against the cool surface of the fridge door.

    She mumbled something incoherent, and Sierra frowned from where she was stood behind the woman. "What?"

    "I fucking hate her." She spoke, louder than before.

    "I think we all do, Sydney." Calum laughed from where he was leaning against the counter, making Sydney's head move quickly to look at him in shock. She had forgotten he was in the kitchen.

    "She's not good enough for him." She spoke. "She's so bloody spiteful, and she gives off this vibe that she thinks she's better than everyone else. I fucking hate it. I don't understand why Ashton can't see that." Sydney sighed. "He deserves someone better. He deserves someone who will love him; and cherish him; and treat him the way he deserves to be treated and—"

    "Someone like you?" Sierra cut her off.


    Sierra laughed. "You can't tell me you don't love him."

    "Yeah, of course I love him — I love all of the boys."

    "Don't give us that bullshit, Sydney." Calum laughed. "We all see the way you guys act around each other. It's kinda cute."

    "No, I— He's my best friend!"

    "Yeah," Calum chuckled, "and I'm marrying Luke."

    "You better not be, he's my fucking boyfriend." Sierra replied, jokingly placing her hands on her hips and squaring him up.

    The pair jokingly glared at each other, almost forgetting about the reason as to why they were still in the kitchen, until Sydney spoke again, her voice quiet.

    "I'm just worried about him." Calum and Sydney turned to look at her, confusion sketched into their features. "I don't want him to get hurt."

    "Ashton won't get hurt — he's an adult now, Sydney, and he does a have some sense. Even if there is only a little of it." Calum smiled. Calum wrapped his arms around Sydney, and she learnt her head against his shoulder. "Trust him, Sydney. Be happy for him."

    "I know," she replied, "I'm happy if he's happy. But, the thing is, I don't think he is truly happy."

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