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But I know that I'm never, ever gonna change
And you know you don't want it any other way


"We need to go and get some of your stuff from your house at some point." Sydney pointed out, watching her friend. The group had decided that perhaps it wasn't the right time to be in the studio writing, and that Ashton needed a break. Somehow, they had ended up migrating to Sydney's apartment, and they were now all huddled up on the girl's two sofas; Ashton, Sydney and Luke curled up on one, and Calum and Michael lying across the other.

Sydney could see the hesitance in Ashton's eyes. The three other men in the room were now listening in to the conversation.

"You've only got three shirts here, a few pairs of underwear and one pair of jeans here, Ash." Sydney reminded him softly. She placed a hand on his arm. "We've got to go back to get your stuff at some point."

"I-- I don't wanna go back there. Not yet." Ashton rushed out, his eyes wide.

"We can go with you." Luke suggested. "I mean, if it makes you feel better about being there."

    Calum and Michael nodded from their sofa, soft smiles gracing their lips. Ashton nodded gently, biting down on his bottom lip.

    "Shall we go now?" Calum spoke. "We can get it over and done with and then, afterwards, we can get a Chinese or something because I am craving something that's going to give me a heart attack."

    Ashton giggled nervously at Calum's attempt at cheering him up. It did to some extent, but Ashton was incredibly anxious, and nothing was going to distract him from that.


    By the time the group of five had pulled up in front of Ashton's house, Ashton's heart was pounding in his chest. His hands were clammy and shaking, his chest felt tight and he had nibbled at his bottom lip so much that he had drawn blood. But he pulled through, determined to walk into the house and grab his stuff, even if he was only there for a brief five minutes.

    He handed Calum the keys to his front door, and the man smiled reassuringly at him, choosing not acknowledge the way his hands shook.

Ashton's breathing hitched as he stepped through the front door. Michael placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it in silent reassurance. Sydney slipped her hand into his as began to speak.

"M'kay, so you need clothes, shower gel and shit because I've only got mine. I gave you a toothbrush so that's not needed. Can you think of anything else?"

Ashton frowned, thinking to himself. "I should probably get my phone and laptop. My wallet, too."

    Sydney nodded, asking Luke, Michael and Calum if they could wait in the living room while they went to collect Ashton's belongings. The three nodded, before going to sit down on the sofas and making themselves comfortable.

    Sydney lead Ashton up the stairs, his hand still gripping hers tightly. His other hand still continued to shake as he allowed it to ghost over the banister.

    "Go get what you need from your bathroom," Sydney spoke as they pushed the door open to Ashton's bedroom, the man flinching as they did so. "I'll stay here."

Easier [Ashton Irwin]Where stories live. Discover now