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But I know that I'm never, ever gonna change
And you know that you're always gonna stay the same


    "Where do I go now?" Ashton's timid and quiet voice broke the silence that hung in the air. "She's at my house. I don't want to go to my house." His words were a silent plea: please don't make me go back.

    "You can stay at mine." Sydney spoke. "If you want to, obviously. I've got the guest bedroom, but if you don't wanna be alone we can just share my room."

    Ashton nodded slowly. "I'll sleep in the guest bedroom."

    "You sure." Sydney didn't want to leave him alone.

    She didn't want to lose him.

    "Yeah." Ashton nodded. "I've slept in there before. I'll be fine, promise." Whether he was trying to convince Sydney or himself with the last sentence, no one needed to know.

    Sydney nodded hesitantly. "M'kay, I'll just go put sheets on it. I stripped the bedding after Luke stayed in there last." Seeing Ashton's confused expression, she explained herself. "Sierra kicked him out of their place after he ate her ice cream during her time of the month. Luke said he probably wouldn't of stayed there either; said that she was 'pretty insane' and that she was 'out for his blood'."

    Ashton chuckled at the girl. "Sounds like them."

"Just make yourself comfortable, yeah?" Sydney spoke, before walking to her linen cupboard to pull out some fresh sheets.

    Without Sydney there to serve as a distraction or a source of comfort, Ashton was sucked into his own mind once again. The silence surrounding him was deafening, and he curled up even smaller on the sofa in hopes of protecting himself from it. His breathing quickened, his heart rate accelerated. His hands shook as he wrapped his arms around his legs, pressing his forehead on his knees. A strangled sob escaped his lips, his shoulders heaving with the force. Tears ran freely down his cheeks, dampening the fabric of his jeans.

He felt so used. Ashton had been Kaitlyn's ball of yarn, thrown far but always held back by the thread that she had weaving through her dainty fingers. The dainty fingers that had caused the red lines that raked down his cheeks and arms. He was right where she wanted him, forever playing into her hands. The very same hands that had pinned him down as she hurt him, scarred him, abused him.

Ashton didn't understand what he had done wrong. Kaitlyn loved him — he was sure of it. So why had she hurt him? There must of been a reason. He had to have deserved it — Kaitlyn didn't do things without a reason. It was all his fault, Ashton knew it.

Fear was coursing through his veins as he thought about his now unclear future. Where would he go? What would his friends think? What would Sydney think? Would Kaitlyn come back?

Would Kaitlyn come back?

The question seemed stupid, idiotic even. Of course she would come back. Kaitlyn knew exactly had to manipulate the man, moulding him like warm putty in her hands. Kaitlyn had many a thing she could tell the public — the fans — that could ruin Ashton's career, which would also drag down the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer with him.

Easier [Ashton Irwin]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon