Chapter 8 - Big Changes

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“A bug?” Kingsley asked, confused.

“An Animagi.  Rita Skeeter.”

“She’s been flying about the room all afternoon.”

“Spying on the Ministers business.” Harry spat distastefully.  “I knew you were low, Rita, but this is bog standards.”

“Leave her to me, Harry.  I’ll call Webster back.” He said, summoning his Lynx patronus once again.  “I’m sure he’ll want to interrogate her.”

“I’ll be on my way then.  If you need anything, you know where to reach me.”

“Send the Weasley’s my love, won’t you?”

“Of course.  I trust everything with number twelve will be wrapped up by the time I get there?”

“It’s as good as done, Harry.”

He waved him off before returning his attention to the trapped beetle and Harry left the door open, for Webster’s arrival, on his way out.  He still got the same wide eyed looks from strangers he passed, just like when he was still a child following Hagrid around Diagon Alley.  He learned to ignore it or smile politely on his way to his own office where he collected some brown parchment then left to collect Dumbledore’s painting.

The old headmaster smiled down at Harry on his approach and greeted him jovially.  Harry lifted his wand to the portrait and Dumbledore’s face fell when it emitted a golden glow.

“Nothing to worry about, Professor.  It’s just a small charm.  We’re moving you to a new home.”

“I didn’t think you were keen on practising non-verbal spells, Harry.”

“Just trying to protect my business from…” he said, looking over his shoulder at those still trying to get a good look at his lightning bolt scar.

“Its okay, Harry, I understand.  How can I help you?”

“Well, that’s the thing, you can’t.  Not anymore.  The charm I just performed blocks you from offering advice or help.  Our Minister doesn’t need the temptation to come down here and ask for your advice.”

“So how do you plan to remedy that other than the silencing charm?”

“I’m taking you to a new home.  We’ll be there in a couple hours so you might want to move into one of your other portraits until then.”

“Where are we going, Harry?”

“You’ll see soon enough.” Harry smirked.  “Trust me?”

“Unquestionably.” Dumbledore said, then shuffled sideways out of the frame.

Harry lifted the heavy frame from the wall and used his wand to cover and magically seal the portrait with the parchment he’d brought with him.  He passed through the onlookers with a polite smile and nod of his head before heading for the fireplaces where he lifted a pinch of Floo Powder from a nearby pot and threw it into the grate where the flames turned an emerald green.

“St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Illnesses.” He said upon entering the non-lethal flames.

He choked on a mouthful of ash as he spun out of the Ministry grate and banged his elbows here and there before finally arriving at St Mungo’s.  The Witch at reception was the same Witch he’d first met at the hospital the very first time he’d come to visit Arthur after being attacked by Nagini.

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