Hotel Pool Night

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It's been 6 months into my relationship with Shawn. Everyday I seemed to be more in love with him. He treated me like a queen in these 6 months, I've never been this happy in a relationship. Something about him made him.. special.

Shawn decided, out of nowhere to enter a hotel and act as hotel guests then sneak into the hotel pool at midnight.

"Lets do this babe!" Shawn said.

"I'm down!" I said excitedly.

"That's hot." I said.

"What is?"

"You acting like a rebel, it's hot." 

We both chuckled. 

"Babe, we enter the hotel and act normally and hang around in the lobby till 11:30. We sneak to the hotel visitors-only pool when the employees shift their workers." He told me.

"On it."

11:30 PM

Shawn grabbed my hand and ran quickly and sneakily to the hotel visitors-only pool. We reached the pool area, it was quiet and blue. 

"Let's gooooo!" Shawn whispered while running towards the pool and holding my hand.


We jumped into the pool with our clothes on

we started splashing each others and swam till 12:50

Until we heard footsteps approaching. It's the security. 

"Hey! What are you doing here?!" The security yelled while running towards us. "Hey come here you two!"

Shawn and I both quickly ran away with our wet clothes from the scene and went to the car. We couldn't stop laughing.

"Hahaha I can't believe we actually did this" I said.

"I love being around you, you make me feel some type of way" He said as he leaned in for a kiss.

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