Chapter 10

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"Why are you still here?"

"Get out from here.."

My other seniors tried to chase me out.. I saw manager Choi closed her eyes and I know she hold her mad..

"Director Kim told him to stay here.."


"Don't ask me why.."

I just ignored them and put all my stuffs back..

"Yah, Seokjin.."

Manager Choi called me..


"You better get out from here.. You just ruined my day if I keep seeing you here.."

I lowered my head..

"So please.. It's better if you get out from here.. I want you to quit.. By tomorrow, I want to see your resignation letter on my desk.. And don't appear in front of me anymore.. Today will be the last time I see you.."

"Manager Choi.."


"Didn't director Kim...-"

"Don't ever say my fiance's name with your dirty mouth.. I hate that.."

"But he said...-"

"I don't care! You must get out from here!"

"I understand.."

"I want your resignation letter by tomorrow.."


I know she will keep forcing me to get out from here.. I knew it..

I'm waiting alone at the bus stand.. My head couldn't stop thinking about what manager Choi said earlier.. She wants me to quit.. I'm going to lose my job tomorrow..

"Kim Seokjin?"

I turned around to see the caller then I turned back to the front as soon as I saw director Kim behind me..

"Kim Seokjin.."

"What do you want?"

"You're going home?"

"Of course.."

"If you want, I can bring you home.."

"So that you can kiss me and fool me again until you make me think that you like me too? I'm sorry, director Kim.. I don't want to trust you anymore.."

"What are you talking about? I'm really sincere to bring you home.."

"Gwenchanna, director Kim.. The bus is here.. You can go now.."

"Kim Seokjin.."

"I hope this is the last time we meet.."

"What do you mean by that?"

I ignored him and quickly go inside the bus.. I tried to hold myself not to look at him..

I actually couldn't sleep.. I just stared at the ceiling.. Suddenly I recalled back on how I met director Kim for the first time.. As soon as I remembered the day I confessed to him, I quickly shook my head.. Gosh, why he is the one that I fell in love with? I shouldn't fell in love with him at first.. I then checked my phone and I could see there's so many missed calls from unknown number.. I know that was director Kim.. Actually I remembered his number accidentally.. Suddenly my phone rang and it's director Kim.. I ignored it and turned off my phone..

I came very early to the office.. I placed my resignation letter on manager Choi's desk.. I feel sad and happy at the same time.. I'm sad because I'm losing my job but I'm happy because I will not working with them and meet director Kim anymore.. I could feel my phone vibrate inside my pocket.. Oh, it's Juwon.. Finally..

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