Chapter 9

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I'm going home late tonight.. I looked at my phone and it's 2 am.. I'm so busy with work and Choi Duri still haven't answer my texts.. I'm pretty sure she really mad at me.. But I don't want to keep on texting her cause I know she will feel annoyed.. Suddenly I thought of Kim Seokjin.. How are he? I know he still mad at me.. I'm really sorry for him.. I didn't mean to lie.. I then took out a piece of paper and write letter.. I'm going to put this letter on Kim Seokjin's desk..

I went down and walked to Accounting Department.. As soon as I entered the office, I saw a guy who still working and I could see that he's crying.. I can't see him clearly cause it was dark but he looks familiar.. I then walked slowly toward him.. As I came near him, I realize that he was Kim Seokjin.. Actually I want to call his name but I don't want to disturb him.. Suddenly I heard he said something.. He's talking to himself..

"I know I'm just a junior but do I have to do all of their works? Am I too disgusting for them? I know I'm gay but.. This isn't right.. Can't they treat me well? Just because I'm gay, they really hates me.. Everyone in this company hates me.. I don't know if I should stay in this company or find other jobs? But I really want to stay in this company.."

He cried so much and it makes me feel more guilty of him.. I'm sorry, Kim Seokjin.. I'm really sorry.. I really want to hug him to comfort him but I tried to hold it cause I know he will mad at me..

After a few minutes, I didn't hear his cries anymore and just silent.. He lied down his head on the desk.. I came near him to check him.. He's asleep.. He must be tired.. I then opened my jacket and covered him with it.. I don't want him to get cold.. I could see there were so many files on his desk.. He must be very busy.. My poor baby brother.. I checked the files and I could see that there's still 4 files that still haven't finished yet.. So I took the files quietly with me and I finish it all next to him.. Luckily he still sleeping.. After I finished, I placed the files back on his desk..

I looked at his face and there's still some tears left on his face.. I wiped the left tears and my mouth can't stop saying 'I'm sorry'.. I just stared at his face and I could see his pains.. Suddenly I remember the letter that I want to give him.. I placed the letter next to him.. I whispered to him..

"I'm sorry, Kim Seokjin.."

I kissed his forehead then I stroking his hair softly before I leave..


I opened my eyes then I looked around.. And suddenly I remember that I haven't finish doing work.. I quickly looked at my watch and it's 7 am.. I must be hurry before they come.. As soon as I opened one of the file, it's already done then I checked the computer.. It's already done too.. Wait, did I done it last night? I then check another files and it's already done too.. Who did it? Then I realized there's a jacket on my back.. Oh? Who's jacket is this? This isn't mine..

"So you didn't go home last night?"

I'm really surprised and I quickly turned around.. It's manager Choi.. She came so early today not as usual..

"You already came?"

"Of course.. I want to check the files if you're already done it.."

"I'm sorry.. I forgot to put them on your desk.."

I then stand up and when I'm about to take the files, manager Choi stopped me..


She came near to me then she took the jacket that I put on my chair..

"This jacket looks familiar.. Is this yours?"

"No, manager Choi.. I don't know whose jacket is that.. I think someone has put it on my back.."

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