Chapter 6

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"D-D-Director K-Kim.."

I looked at him without blinking..

"You should go inside.."

Director Kim said before he left.. I still stunned.. Am I dreaming? He kissed me? Omg, I still couldn't believe it.. I then pinched my cheek.. Ouch! It's true.. I'm not dreaming.. He really kissed me..

When I'm about to sleep, my head still couldn't stop thinking on what director Kim just did to me.. Does he likes me too or what? Why did he kiss me? Did he just trying to fool around with me? Oh, director Kim.. Can you tell me about your feelings for me? Do you like me too?

I came to the office as usual.. I looked around just in case I meet director Kim like as usual.. Oh, he still haven't come yet or what? I looked at my watch on my left hand.. Oh? He usually already came during this time.. Or maybe he's already in his office.. Then I decided to go to Accounting Department..


I greet my seniors who already came early than me.. Then I sat on my chair.. I checked my phone just in case director Kim text me.. Nothing? Maybe he's busy.. I think I shouldn't disturb him.. I should doing my work instead..

It's already been few hours passed.. So I checked my phone, still nothing.. No new message from director Kim.. He makes me worried.. He usually texted me at anytime.. Whether he was busy or in a meeting.. But today is different.. After he kissed me last night, I didn't hear anything from him.. Or maybe he felt embarrassed on what happened last night? He's cute..

"Yah, junior.."

"Ne, senior Seo?"

"Stop smiling, do your work.."

"I'm already done.."


Senior Seo then handed me her works..

"Finish it.. I need it now.."


"I know that's mine but you should help me instead of smiling alone there like an idiot.."


My eyes still looking secretly at senior Seo while doing work.. I can't believe this.. She was only did a few of her works and she said she have done it.. Ok, I'm still okay with it.. But! After that she just relaxed and chatting with another seniors.. All I could heard was her laugh.. Wah, jinjja.. Doesn't she remember about her works with me? She should take some of it.. Wait, no.. She should take ALL of it because it's all were her.. She should doing her stupid works instead of laughing there like a crazy woman..

"Yah, junior.."

"Ne, senior Seo?"

"Are you done?"

"Not yet.."

"You're so slow.. Do it faster.. I need it now.."


"Yah, junior.. Look here.. Look at me.."

I then looked at her..

"You should follow me.. Look at me.. I'm already done it.. It's just took me a few minutes to do it.. That's so easy.. Do you know why I can do it more faster than you? Because I'm a professional.. I've already been working here for 4 years.."

Gosh, that mouth.. I really want to hit it.. She really forgot about her works at me.. Hello crazy woman, come pick up all your works at me.. It's all yours.. You still haven't done yet..

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