I saw you kissing her!

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I decided to go to the boys house and try to talk with Jack. I have the feeling that he is mad at me but I don't know what I have done. I drive to the boys house and knock on the door and Jack opens the door. The moment he sees me the smile that was on his face disappeared.
J: What do you want?!
H: We have to talk.
J: Don't you think it's a little late to talk?!
H: Jack I don't understand. I have the feeling you are mad at me but why? What did I do?
J: What did you do!?
He says raising his voice.

J: You kissed Y/n!
H: What? Now I'm even more confused. You're mad because I kissed Y/n. But why are you mad at me?!
J: Because I like her as well and when I saw you and Y/n kissing that was the moment when I wanted to talk to you about this but you just went for it and kissed her!
H: Sorry Jack I had no clue that you like her. If I would have known that I wouldn't have made a move without talking about this with you.
We both look to the ground and it's silent for a few seconds and then Jack says.
J: Hrvy I'm sorry. You couldn't know that I like her. I shouldn't have been mad at you.
H: Its okey I shouldn't have made a move so fast.
We look at each other and hug.

When be pull out of the hug Jack tells me.
J: Okey maybe you should know this. When I saw you guys kissing I ran to my room. Y/n ran after me and told me that we all are really important to her and that she doesn't want to lose anybody. After that she kissed me. Put left after she realize what she did. She asked me to give her time to think.
H: Ohh...okey...thanks f-for telling me. What should we do now?
J: I'm gonna give her the time that she needs to decide who she likes.
H: Okey lets give her some time.
I say and look at the clock and realize that I better get going. I say bye to the boys and leave. I'm happy that I now know what happened with Jack.

Versus!⚡️ (HRVY/Jack Duff)Where stories live. Discover now