Christmas Party

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Stella's point of view:
I woke up curled on the couch with a smile. Christmas morning I thought with a smile, of course I could see the sparkling snow outside but I didn't bother to move as I was warm and cozy on the couch. I did however want a warm cup of hot coco so I looked up quickly and yawned with a stretch. I shook out my brown hair before putting it up in a bun on my head.
I looked over at the chair across from me and saw Will almost draped off the side as he was sleeping. He had his sketch book curled against his chest and a pencil on the floor. I slowly stood and pried the sketchbook from his hands to see he had sketched me while I was adding ornaments to the tree last night. I gently traced the delicate lines over the sketch before I laid the book on the table and walked to the kitchen. I had secretly put one more present under the tree that read 'Happy Birthday Will' because while I missed his birthday that was on the 13th of December, I could still get him a present.
I heard some stirring when I was adding the peppermint candy cane to my cup. I turned to see Will yawning and stretching on my chair. He moved a hand through his dark curly hair and his bright blue eyes opened as he looked at the couch. I saw his eyes cloud in confusion and he looked around before I walked back over.
I handed him a cup and he smiled gently before I sat on the arm rest of the chair. He smiled up at me and said "Merry Christmas." I smiled at him and teased him by saying "Merry Christmas. But I expected someone as sarcastic as you would come up with something more clever." Will smiled as he took a drink before he said "That Will is temporarily out of order until he wakes up more."
I laughed brightly and kissed his cheek softly before I heard a knock at our door. We both looked up surprised before I moved from Will's side to the door. I was very confused when I opened it to see several eyes shinning brightly at me before my jaw dropped. I got a hug with a squeal and a kiss on the cheek before I turned as they walked in. Will had noticed the commotion but when he saw everyone his smile brightened and he moved into the kitchen.
Hope was carrying large bags of several different Christmas styles and colors while Jason carried bags of items from what looks like a store. Mya and Camille weren't far behind them with bags of their own and a few things in their hands.
I looked amazed as everyone piled into my tiny apartment before I said over the commotion "Wait who came up with all this?" I saw the four of them look at Will and they laughed before I glanced at Will. He was smirking crookedly and I glared before he said "Sorry but I had to. Lovely Mya said you hadn't had a huge family Christmas since Abby. This idea just came with the comment."
I smiled brightly but I was so getting back at Will later because my hair isn't done and I probably still look very sleepy. Everyone else laughed which made me realize I said it out loud and while Will who walked over and kissed my neck lightly while he whispered an apology, wasn't making it better. I blushed at his touches while everyone else was around.
I quickly got over it when I saw Camille take a picture and I went to grab her phone before she said "Hey don't spill the pies." I looked down at the island to see preparation items and different food where sprawled on the counter while presents and bags where on the floor. It was Hope's turn to get a glaring which she just smiled and shrugged at as she said "What's Christmas without food and drinks?"
I rolled my eyes before everyone started to walk around and prepare. Will and Jason got to work on cooking which was more a teaching lesson for Will than them working together. Mya and Camille took plenty of photos but when they took off their coats they showed their brightly colored pj's with snowman and reindeer on them. Hope also had pj's on but hers were just silky and pink which made me feel less self concise about my fluffy blue and white pants and white silk tank top.
I caught Will eyeing my chest from the tank top which earned him a playful dab of whip cream on his nose which surprised him but made Jason crack up laughing. We put on Christmas movies while the boys cooked and I helped spread presents around my tiny Christmas tree which was soon flooded by Christmas presents for everyone.

It wasn't until I heard my computer ringing for Skype did I move from the kitchen away from my friends to open it and smiled happily. I clicked the accept and saw my godchild waving at me with a grin. Baby James was now a five year old kid and turning six in March. He waved excitedly from behind the screen and said "Auntie Stella, Merry Christmas!" I smiled and returned the saying before I saw Julie behind him cooking before she yelled "James don't disturb your aunt we are going to see her this weekend."
James just started to move away quicker with his iPad as he said "Sorry mommy to w'ate." I smiled and laughed before Will came over to see. Someone calling me an aunt had perked his attention and Will smiled at me as James showed me his presents he got and his new costume for his ballet recital. James was very flamboyant and he dressed how he wanted. I was going to see him this weekend which was a few days before Hopes wedding to see his New Year's Eve pageant he was practicing for recently.
James saw Will after he showed me his new tap shoes and Will smiled before he said "Hello mr person, why are you with my aunt?" This must have caught Julie's attention cause I saw her come pick up her son with the iPad and she looked nervous before she smiled at Will recognizing him instantly. Will introduced himself and James immediately took to him but told him to call him Jaime because he liked to be called that over James. I knew he likes to be called Jaime, but he never told that to strangers which made me smile before James said he had to go because his grandma was here with more presents.
I laughed and waved goodbye blowing him a kiss which he returned before the last image was him running away with a grin. When I went back to the home screen Will smiled and said "I knew I always liked Julie, she gave you a cute godson." I laughed and shut down my computer before we went back to our friends. Hope immediately questioned me about it and I showed the images of James at his pageants in sparkly suits and colorful dress up wear for preforming.
She gushed over how cute he was and said he was such a representation of growing up how he wants not how he should. This made me smile but I didn't say anything else before I saw Jason push Will out of the kitchen after he forgot a pie in the oven which almost burned while he was talking.

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