Love returned

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Stella's point of view:
      I opened my eyes when I heard a noise. I was surprised to see a grey object in front of my face before I realized it was Will. He had his arm around my waist and the other under his head as he slept softly. His black hair had fallen in his face and in his sleep he had shifted his nose piece slightly out.
     I smiled and shifted his nose piece back in place and took the mask off fully since it was almost already off. He shifted slightly at my touch but didn't wake up. I smiled and gently ran my fingers over his lips before I heard someone whisper "Can you kiss him while we're here so I can get the photo?"
   I turned slightly startled and was amazed Will didn't wake up before I saw Mya and Camila in my room. I smiled and gently slid out from Will's arm before Mya flicked her curly dark brown hair out of her face as she whispered "Did we interrupt an after sex nap?"
   I glared at them both before I said "Hush both of you we didn't do anything. One we're in a hospital, two I leave tomorrow so we can do anything on our own after that." Mya chuckled and Camila threw her dark black hair in a pony tail as they were both looking behind me. I was confused before a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.
    'Shit!' I thought. Will was smirking down at me as if he would bring that up later, and I know he will. Mya laughed and said "How you doing Will?" Will smiled and said "I'm better than I have been." I smiled as he tightened his grip on me, which meant in Will terms it was because of me.
   I blushed before I said "Did you guys come out here to bring me my homework?" Mya rolled her eyes and her hair fell in her face again before she dropped a backpack on the chair as she said "We have a winter break in less than a week and a semester left until we graduate and they give us homework."
    I rolled my eyes and thanked them before Camila started to talk to Will about his travels while I talked to Mya about school. She was studying to be a school teacher in math and Camila was studying to be a business major. I am getting my Bachelors in Computer science so I can program more apps to sell like the one I made when I first met Will. That one has been doing really well so I thought to try more apps. With school and teachings on the creation of the apps, everything has been doing so well. Plus I get payed monthly from different places all around the world as hospitals and people use my app for different medical needs which helps pay for my college.
I heard a knock and I looked up. It was a little boy who had a mask and gloves on. Will instantly backed up and he pulled me along with him. I didn't realize what he meant before I remembered we can't get close to him.
I had seen him walking around and he kinda reminded me of Poe in a way. He was small and skinny, but his hair was blonde and he was pale as a ghost. I saw him smile and wave though he caught his nose piece and he had to fix it. I smiled and I saw Will hand me a mask before he hit he call nurse button in secret.
I kid probably didn't know we had a extremely dangerous bacteria which is why he couldn't get around us. I saw the little boy who was talking to Mya and Camila smile and he only coughed a few times before Barb came.
The boy saw her and immediately look afraid as she said "Michael go back to your room, you know your not supposed to be in anyone else's room." Michael nodded as he looked down and shuffled past her but went left instead of right. He was probably heading to the lounge instead of his room. That made me smile before Barb looked at me and Will and said "Thanks for being cautious around him, he is only 6 and doesn't know yet really why he must stay away."
I nodded and Barb walked out before I said to Will "He reminded me of you and Poe." Will gave me a surprised look before i turned to Mya and Camila. We talked for a little longer till the girls left to get more homework done.

Will and I talked for a while about his travels and my school mostly. While I had seen almost every place he has visited as he likes to take me along with videos, we still had to tell stories that the other hadn't heard before.
He was laying with his legs over a chair when he said "No sex in the hospital then?" I looked up from my homework startled before I remembered the conversation and said "I didn't suggest it Mya and Camille did." He turned to look at me and his smile was devious before he said "Hmm that's not what it sounded like from my point of view." I threw my pencil at him and he caught it with ease before I caught a glimpse of what he was drawing.
I looked over the bed to try and see it before he pulled the sketchbook away. I gave him a disgruntled look and he laughed before he said "Their just random sketches, I'll show you some when I can piece the ideas together." I smiled and sat back slightly satisfied before I asked him "have you thought about it then?"
Will didn't look up from sketching as he asked "Have I thought about what?" I set down my pencil as I figured I couldn't get any more work done at the moment and said "about having sex with me?" Will snapped his pencil's lead as he looked up at me. His wide striking blues eyes looked at me and he looked shocked before he stuttered and asked "What?!"
   I smiled as he usually had a very cocky and stubborn grin but his face looked completely shocked. I swung my legs over the side of my bed as I pushed my hair out of the way before I asked "Have you ever thought of having sex with me?"
   Will still looked shocked but he moved his drawing materials to the desk as he got up. His tall 6 foot body walked to me and I looked up at him from where I sat on my bed. He ran his hands threw his hair which I knew was his tick that he did when he was nervous or stressed or a strong emotion was taking over. He stood in front of me before he leaned down and got in my face. I smelled his cologne as he came down and it was sweet, like honey and lavender.
   His face was not a few inches from mine as his cocky smile returned and he said "Since the day I met you it crossed my mind a few times." I felt my eyes widen in surprise and his eyes softened before he leaned into me.
    The kiss was sweet and short as if he was worried he was going to break me. I smiled up at him and he returned it before he whispered "I never thought I would be this close to you. I was so afraid to get to close because I didn't want to lose you." My smiled softened and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He looked like he was going to back up before I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.
    I felt Will step in between my legs as he got closer, never breaking our kiss. He smiled as he grabbed my hips gently before we heard a knock and looked up. The door was still locked but I heard Barb say "Coming in, in 3...2...1."
    Will who around Barb still acted like his cocky teenage self swiftly moved away from my side and jumped into the chair with his art materials as she walked in. I looked at her with a smile and she looked between us skeptical but she shrugged and said "You didn't read your lab report." I shook my head as I already knew what it said and with her nod she confirmed my thoughts.
    Barb walked over and checked a few charts before she said "You are allowed to leave tomorrow at 8am but we want you back in three weeks to check up on any developments." I nodded taking it serious before Barb turned to Will and said "The 12th of January. Don't let her forget." Will who had been listening nodded and I was surprised that she told him to remember for me.
    Barb turned around like it didn't happen and she checked a few boxes before she looked at me. Her smile was soft and motherlike before she gently held my hand in her gloved one as she said "Be safe ok. I want to see you live to fifty at least." I nodded with a smile before she turned and left the room with nothing more.
   When the door clicked I felt Will's body heat at my side and he looked at me before he said "How about we order some milkshakes and pudding up here for dinner." I smiled and nodded as he grabbed my hand before I looked out the window as the snow started to fall again.

I bundled myself up and looked out the hospital window at the cold air. Will has gone to let Barb know I was leaving before I grabbed my suitcase. I almost forgot to grab the small paper of flowered lungs my sister drew for me all those years ago. I slipped it inside my book before I rolled out the room.
I saw Barb was talking to a girl a few years younger than I was as Will stood behind her. A good seven feet away and I froze as I saw her mask and air tank. Barb saw me and quickly led a unknowing girl to her room for some reason as I walked over. The nurses smiled at me as they passed before Will came up to my side. We tried to stay away from the passing people in the halls before I saw Bard come back again.
Barb was clearly annoyed but her face brightened as she said "You are clear to go Stella. Make sure to come back if anything at all happens, we need to monitor the progress." I nodded but stood closer to Will as the fear washed over me. Will nodded to Barb and said "I'll make sure she comes in when needed." Barb nodded to confirm his statement before we both walked hand and hand to the elevators. When we did walk into the elevator I took one finally look down at Barb, and I could have been seeing this but I saw a few tears slip down her face before the silver steel door closed.

     Will got a text on his phone when we exited the hospital and he laughed before showing it to me. It was from Hope, and it read "Will, you and Stella both are coming to the dress fittings in like an hour right? Because I need Stella's help for finding my dress!"
    Will rolled his eyes and mumbled it an annoyed tone "No of course not. You can gladly have my girlfriend for 8 fluffing hours while I go and drink water at the bar with your fiancee." I nudged him with my elbow before I said to him "Be nice she needs to find this dress and quickly." Will nodded and rolled his eyes but he froze. I looked at him closer before he said "Maybe I can come along for a little bit." I gave him a look and he raised an eyebrow cockily at me before he said "Hey bridesmaids are getting dresses today so I would never give up the opportunity to see you in a dress."
I laughed and he held my hand as we walked down the street through the snow. The address Hope had sent us was only about a 15 minute walk from the hospital so we didn't catch a cab but I could see that after a while Will wanted to. In the cold the oxygen tank didn't like to work as well and he showed the effect of not having it work at its best.
We did get to the small dress shop in the city before we walked in. I saw Hope flitting around left and right as a few of the other girls I haven't met tried to calm her down. I looked at Will who looked very overwhelmed before a familiar face came over to us. Jason looked as overwhelmed as Will as he came over which made me laugh.
My laugh caught Hope's attention as she ran over and grabbed my arm. She smiled and said "Oh thank goodness your here. I can decided between ball gown or mermaid." She started to pull me away and I looked at Will who still had my other hand before I let go with a smile as I was pulled away. Jason must have said a smart remark because Will looked at his friend with partial annoyance but laughed either way.

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