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Stella's point of view:
I woke up quickly with a gasp. I hadn't had a nightmare that real since Abby died and left me alone. I quickly opened my eyes and looked around before I saw it was dawn. Will was laying on his back with his hair flung over his face and his arm still around my waist. I smiled as I picked my head gently off of his bare chest before I noticed all the scars.
    Though I wasn't one to judge as I had so many their wasn't a place really where I didn't have them, his chest and abs were covered in them. I ran my finger gently over a major one along his sternum before I looked at his face. He still looked perfect and calm while he slept as I gently moved his hair out of his face. I fixed his nose piece again as he had knocked it out of place before I climbed out of bed.
    I decided while he was still sleeping to get a shower and some homework that was assigned over the Christmas break before Will woke up.

     When I had climbed out of the shower and gotten dressed I saw Will had barely moved but what surprised me was voices coming from the front room and I walked out.
    Mia and Hope where sitting and going through something before I realized what it was and rushed over. I grabbed the sketchbook and held it to my chest. The girls looked up and I glared as I said "You guys know better than to go through his stuff." Hope laughed and Mia rolled her eyes but I still didn't hand it back before I asked "Why are you guys doing here so early in the morning anyway?"
   Mia smiled and laughed before I hushed her as I started to boil water and sep tea bags in it. Hope smiled and said "I came to drop off the rest of Will's stuff." She pointed to the suitcases at the door before Mia said "And I was here for video proof that you two were together, because I had the last of you homework."
   I glared at them both as they must have used the spare key I leave by the plant near my door. They shrugged before Mia eyes widened and she said "Wait did you two have sex last night?!" I rolled my eyes and asked "Are you that bored today your hoping to talk about my sex life with a guy I only can get close to four days ago?" Both Hope and Mia nodded before I said "You both are impossible." Which made them chuckle as I poured my tea into a coffee cup with sugar.
    I looked at Hope before I said "Don't you have a wedding dress and venue to go check on." Hope froze and she must have been thinking before she jumped up and said "Your right!" She grabbed her purse and I laughed before she gave me a hug on the way out as she ran.
   Mia was texting away on her phone before I said "Go have your coffee date with the new boy." She looked over her shoulder with a glare before she said "Its with a girl thank you." I gave her a look as she gathered her things before I teased her and said "Well give Camille a kiss when you see her for me." I saw Mia throw a glare at me as I laughed before she too hugged me on the way out and I watched her go with a head shake. She was my lovable biesexual friend that was so fun to tease when she let me.
I took a sip of my tea before I looked down at the new sketch book. I had set it on the counter and I abandoned the thought of homework as I saw a very familiar one on my shelf and put down my tea. I grabbed the brown sketch book with my right hand before I grabbed the black one and I sat on the couch. I set the new one on the coffee table to look at second before I flipped through the old one.
I smiled at the pictures of me, the cartoons, the only picture of Poe, drawn I mean, that I had. I looked up at the wall as I saw him and me in a photo together while standing apart, but still together.
I smiled and I heard movement behind me but didn't turn before I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I turned as a large figure sat next to me and I was greeted my his green eyes.  I looked into his eyes with a smile before I noticed he had gotten dressed in a t shirt and some sweatpants. He smiled at me before saying "You didn't wake me." I shook my head as I looked down at the drawing before I said "You were really asleep." Will gave me a look before I decided to tease him and say "Didn't even react to a kiss or two."
Will rolled his eyes and said "I'm no sleeping beauty but I wish I would have woken up, that would have been interesting." He leaned closer and I leaned back before he was laying over me again while I laughed under him.
He leaned down and kissed my neck softly before he noticed the sketch book on the table and he asked "Where did you get that?" I rolled my eyes and said "Mia and Hope found it when I woke up and I grabbed it before they could look through it all."
Will face cooled but I could see the twinge of fear before he asked me "Did you look at it?" I shook my head and Will relaxed lightly before he leaned down. I didn't forget the look and was going to question him on it until I felt his lips on mine and I smiled into him as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Will laughed and picked me up so I was sitting on his lap before I realized i didn't feel an oxygen cord and pulled back. Will was surprised but when I looked around he sighed and said "I took it off, it's not going to kill me." I glared at him and said "Of course it could, anything could happen." I stood from his lap and he groaned before I walked to the bedroom. I grabbed it from off the floor before I came back. Will was leaning against the back of the couch while he watch me before I handed it to him.
He glared at me but put it on as he mumbled "Mini Barb again." I gave him a look and he looked away but I could tell he was trying to focus on something while I grabbed my tea from the kitchen. When I walked back he was sketching before he closed the sketchbook and looked up at me.
I wanted to look and he gave me a look before saying "I love you, but not every sketch you want to know." I gave him a look at how little he thought I liked his work before I saw him look me over.
A thought popped into my head that I had considered in the shower and I turned to him when I sat down in the kitchen chair and asked "Have you ever wanted to do a full drawing of me?" He looked at me confused before he asked "In what context?" I could tell he was teasing but I wasn't as I asked "Nude."
Will who had been sketching looked up quickly. He wanted to say a smart remark I could tell but I said quickly "Your answer may determine if you get to or not." Will shut his mouth and thought for a second before he said "For a second time, yes." I almost dropped my cup when he said for a second time and I asked "Excuse me?!"
Will laughed and I saw him looking through his sketchbook before I set my cup on the counter and ran over suddenly very worried. I saw Will find the page and he showed me a drawing. You could clearly tell it was me but was from the side. You couldn't see anything besides the side view of my ass and shape of my body. I was lying on my old dorm bed face down facing towards the camera with a sleepy smile. I felt my jaw drop before I said "Will." Will laughed and he closed the book but I tried to grab it quickly.
Will moved quickly away as I fallowed him yelling "Will come on give it, I don't even remember when that happened." Will laughed and said "No way, it took me forever that night to convince you to stay still for that." I ran after him around my apartment before I was out of breath.
Will set the book on the table before he grabbed my waist and said "It's on my master list." I smiled when he used my terms before I asked "From which view?" Will looked surprise to see I was considering this before he said "Any and all." I laughed as I pulled away his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled my back against his chest as he kissed my neck. I hummed and felt his smile against his neck when I did so before I asked "Do you have a particular preference for this spot?"
Will smiled and nodded his head before he said "Definitely a favorite of mine." I rolled my eyes as he only had been with me in that way for, four days maximum. But we had known each other for 6 years so it balanced itself out. I smiled and pulled away from him and to curb his interests said "How about an exchange?"
Will looked intrigued as he combed his black hair out of his face with his blue green eyes sparkling as he said "What are we exchanging?" I hopped up on my counter before I said "How about you get to do one picture of your choice of me..." I saw Will instantly perk up and I could almost see all the things he was thinking before I said "But you have to not complain about seeing your mom today, and spend Christmas with me without complaining about who we visit."
I thought it was a fair trade but Will just smirked before he said "Done deal. Shake on it?" He held out his hand and I had a flash back to 5 almost 6 years ago when we were in the hospital before I smirked and said "Funny." Will realized the joke and smiled before I grabbed his hand and pulled him close for a kiss as I said "It's a deal."

We walked into a small deli down the street from the hospital and I smiled as it was cozy. It was a brown and green color scheme and as I walked around it to the booth i saw Will's mom. She was looking down at her phone smiling before she looked up and saw me.
She looked young and her face was kind as she looked up and smiled brightly at me. She stood and took me into a hug before she said "I heard you were in the hospital for a while, I'm sorry about your situation by the way." I nodded and she sat down as I fallowed on the other side before I gazed at her and asked "Who told you?" I saw movement at the corner of my eye and Will sat down with a few sandwiches for me and him before he intervened and said "I called her." I gave him a look and he laughed before his mom gave him a look and said "You should have told her that you told me."
Will smiled cockily before he said "Sorry mom, I just didn't want you to be completely surprised when we showed up next to each other without distance." His mom still seemed slightly upset he didn't tell me but I understood and nodded before I said "It was smart, I didn't want you to freak out either."
Will gave me a mock look or surprise as I said he was right before I smacked him lightly. He laughed and I rolled my eyes before taking a bite of my sandwich as I looked at Will's mom.
     We chatted lightly and she brought up new treatments which while used to be just for us to worry about Will together, has now turned into her worrying for both of us. Will quickly changed the subject as he saw my face shift after my realization before she got a call and had to head back into work.
I gave her a hug goodbye and she gave Will a hug even if he looked slightly uncomfortable by it. We walked out into the cold and walked away with one last goodbye. Will stuck by my side and tried to cheer me up but he was just trying to get me to forget the conversations about treatments.
I was heading down the rabbit hole of worry before Will grabbed my arm and said "Don't." I looked up at him surprised before he said "Don't think about it that way." I gave him a look before he said "It's not so bad. While every other CF patients looks at us like the plague, it just give us a freedom from the treatments." I gave him a look as I said "I don't need more freedom. I know that this is a death sentence and I just need something to take my mind off of the new realization of imminent death."
Will sighed as he said "Your starting to sound like me. Prepared to die and hating it at the same time." I nodded and Will continued walking. We continued on in silence before Will spoke up when we walked about a block or two from my apartment. He looked at me and said "I could be a distraction." I looked at him confused and surprised as we were now walking to my complex and climbing the stairs up to my apartment.
     I looked at him as we started climbing and said "Your aren't a distraction, your a necessity." He gave me a look as we started climbing as I continued and said "Your like air to me. Without you this disease would crush me. I need you, you are keeping me happy and hopeful in the face of death."
   He smiled slightly before he said "Good I'm not a distraction, at least I'm a necessity." We had reached my apartment by now and I looked at him with a soft smile as I said "Yes your a necessity, for my happiness." Will smiled as I unlocked the door and closed it. I looked at him as he set down a bag before I jumped up and kissed him quickly, to remind him I loved him.

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