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Will's point of view:
When I walked out of the airport it was freezing but it felt more like home than I had felt in a while. My portable oxygen container was strapped to my back as I pulled my suitcase after me as I walked to find a cab. The airport was almost empty as I walked around.
I kept getting stares from people that were their though as I walked by but I ignored it before my phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked down confused as I didn't think it could be Stella as she still thought I was in Cozumel, Mexico. It was a little earlier their than the time back home here, as it's a hour later than her and my plan fight was a 12am flight. By the time I got out of the airport it was already 5am.
I smiled at the face of Hope which pops up onto my phone and unlock it as I answer. She squealed into the phone which made me laugh before I said "Good morning Hope. How are you?" She took a breath before she said immediately "Will don't catch a cab I'm almost their to pick you up." I froze as I almost walked to the cab area but asked "How did you know I was coming home."
She laughed threw the phone line as she said "Your best friend who you talk to almost everyday is my fiancé who would keep nothing from me with the threat of no sex." I laughed loudly and she chuckled with me before I asked "Please don't tell me you told Stella, it's meant to be a surprise for Christmas."
Hope and Stella had grown to have a strong friendship over the years as they both worry about me. Hope even is planning for Stella to be in their Wedding as a bridesmaid.
Hope paused as if she was about to say something else before she said "No I haven't told her. She will definitely think it's a surprise." I smiled before I saw the silver 2008 KIA Hope drove drive up and park in front of me. I smiled as the window rolled down and Hope looked up at me. Her jet black hair was combed over her head and her big smile showed her white teeth as she yelled "Put your stuff in the trunk and get in." I laughed and she popped the trunk so I could put my suitcase into the back.
     I hopped into the car and Hope drove away from passenger pickup before she said "Jason is excited you are here. He wants to take you out for like a mini bachelor party with just you both later this week." I smiled before I reminded Hope "I don't drink Hope." She rolled her eyes and said "Sure you don't." Her sarcasm made me smile. When we got out from under the airport I noticed how tall the snow was and smiled before I said "Good to be home in the snow."
      Hope smiled and nodded as she asked about my trips. I smiled and told her about visiting Cuba and Cozumel. The beaches and all the things I could draw and see. I told her about visiting the Aztec pyramids and the huge pits filled with water that Aztecs used to throw heart in and how I got to swim in them. I wanted to show her some of the cartoons I had drawn of the places but it was in my suitcase.
She smiled and asked questions before I asked about how her wedding planning was going.
      She went off fully on almost every detail and I could barely get a sentence out before she talked about another piece of the wedding. Her joy and excitement I enjoyed but I really wanted to ask about Stella. I hadn't seen her face to face in at least a few months and never more than 5 feet close with masks and gloves on.
     I envied Hope with her ability to get closer than 5 feet apart with Jason but I could never do that to Stella. It would make her sick and could even kill her. I couldn't do that to her and I couldn't survive in a world without her in it, so five feet apart was are must when we were together.

We got to Hope's apartment right when a figure appeared out from the door. I saw Jason smile and walked down the stairs before he gave me a hug. I laughed and said "You were always more touchy feely than me." He laughed and nodded before he grabbed my bag.
    I tried to pull it from him as I was just sick not dead yet. Jason gave me a look as he walked up his stairs with ease with my suitcase and then turned to watch me with an raised eyebrow.
    Not wanting to be outdone I hurried up the stairs to him as quick as I could. While Jason smiled when I reached the top without stopping I was out of breath and my lungs were burning with effort. When Jason walked threw the door to set my stuff down, I put my hands on my knees to try and breath better which cause a laugh from Hope who was walking up.
     I glared before standing up straight and walking into the apartment behind Hope. Their small apartment off campus was nice looking as I walked into the main room. The kitchen connected to the living room which looked over a shared grassy yard. I saw a few rooms down a hall and a bathroom. It was small and cozy, I liked it.
     Hope laughed and said "You can come over and stop admiring our messy apartment. Talk to us." I gave her a look with a smile before walking to the kitchen island. Hope was sitting on the counter across from the island and Jason was leaning up against the island across from me. I smiled and asked "How's school been going?" Jason laughed and said "It's been going good but your attempt at small talk is pathetic." I laughed as he saw threw me. He knew I was impatient to go and surprise Stella. I smiled before I saw Hope start to do dishes.
    Jason smiled and asked "How have the on and off treatments been going?" I laughed before I said "I go into the hospital when ever I get a cold and make sure to do the proper regiments I swear. If I didn't I think Stella and my mother might kill me." Jason laughed and nodded. Stella and my mother have gotten along very well since my mom found out who I was in love with. They both worry about me together and make sure I get treatment when I need it."
     I saw Hope smiled softly before I asked "How is Stella I haven't talked to her in a while so I wouldn't spoil the surprise?" Hope froze at the question, so did Jason. I gave them both a once over before I realized something was wrong. I was so distracted I did realize it. Hope wouldn't miss a day to bring up me and Stella and our different type of relationship, but she did.
     I gave her a look and asked "Hope what's wrong?" Hope shook her head. I saw her set down the plate she had been washing before saying "She made us swear not to tell you. She didn't want to worry you." I gave her a look as my heart sped up. The worst possible ideas of what happened ran threw my head as Hope stayed silent. I looked at Jason who was looking away before Hope turned.
     Her face was tear stained and her eyes were puffy. I saw Jason wrap his arm around to comfort her but I stayed frozen. I couldn't stop seeing her dying in a hospital but refusing anyone to tell me to make sure I wasn't worried.
     I looked at Hope when I tried to see past my pessimistic thoughts and asked quietly "Please tell me what happened. Hope I love her I need to know." Hope eyes closed as she sniffled. She said softly "We aren't supposed to tell you the details but... Their was a problem at school that caused her to get really sick." I looked down and gripped the counter so tight I thought it might shatter as I tried to steady my breath before i asked "Can someone drive me to go see Stella please?"

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