Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is our first fanfic to please be patient and kind we're only here to please people so, enjoy!

Elizabeth & Maya xx



"I wanna live while we're young, we wanna live while we're youn-

Lets go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun i know we only met but lets pretend its love and never, never, never stop for anyone tonight lets get some an live while we're young!

Lets go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun i know we only met but lets pretend its love and never, never, never stop for anyone tonight lets get some an live while we're young!

Wanna live, Wanna live, wanna live

Young! We wanna live while we're young,

Tonight lets get some,

And live while we're young!"

"Massive thank you for having us tonight, North Carolina! We love you! Have a safe trip home!" Liam said enthusiastically.

We all walked off stage, Louis leading. I quickly caught up with him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

"Hey Boo Bear, how'd you like the concert?"

"Oh, it was great, its just i cant stop thinking about Eleanor, i miss her so much." Louis said.

Whoa. That hurt. I definitly wish it was me he was missing, instead of her.

"Oh don't worry boo bear we will be back in London soon enough."

I dropped my arm to my side. Did he really miss her this much to not care about the concert at all? Slowing down my pace i walked behind to give him a little space. As Louis walked into the dressing room I heard a small scream. I rushed into the room to find Eleanor and Louis, engulfed in eachothers arms.

I Froze. Dead in my tracks. My heart aching. I musterd up all the strength i could and walked forward and gave Eleanor a friendly hug. Oh god, this hurts. I cant even bare to look at her anymore. I slowly walked over and sat on the white plush couch. I cant help but think back to the days when it was just us boys, no Eleanor. I have liked Louis since XFactor. At first i didn't understand what i was feeling, I was so confused but i get it all now and I know i like Louis, and not just in a friend way.


"Ahh Eleanor!" I screamed

"Lou Bear! Awe baby i missed you so much!"

I pulled Eleanor close to me in a tight hug. I've missed her so much. All i want to do is kiss her.

I looked up at Harry, sitting alone, with a look of hurt in his eyes. I guess our kissing could wait till we got back to the hotel...

Okayy so this is a short chapter i know but i dont know if the first chapter is allowed to be a filler but who cares, so yeah. I hope you all like it feel free to send us suggestions , we will credit you. Yeah just so everyone knows we are rating this 'R' cause later on this is going to have really strong sexual content cause maya and i are both 16 and we love sexual fanfics and yeah okay sorry for the long authors okay! Posting the next chapter soon!

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