Crassh the Party

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Diana's POV

I wake up due to the same dream I had a few nights ago, it kept repeating every night. I got up and changed into my work out clothing doing my annual morning workout before heading up to breakfast. I see that little boy who's name I think is Lloyd, he waves at me which I return with a smile before pouring myself some cereal Lloyd then spoke up "Hey Diana I didn't know you were so good at singing." I froze and looked over at him, confused I open my mouth to ask him how he came to that conclusion but he answered as if he read my mind, "Jay uploaded a video of you singing onto the internet. You went viral!" He told me, I visibly paled "Well see ya!" Lloyd left and I felt tears running down my face before running to my room I collapse onto the bed and start sobbing before getting up with the emotionless face that I knew so well, that hid my thoughts and emotions. I went up to the deck and got to the other side of the railing I needed to get out of here and I knew Midnight was nearby if anyone saw me I could just tell them that The Warrior told me about it. I started letting myself fall about to whistle for my dragon when I heard multiple voices shout my name.

"DIANA!" I saw all of the ninjas with Sensei Wu, Lloyd, and Nya, staring at me. I was about to climb back up but I slipped and fell off the ship I saw all of them run to the railing and stare at me I gave a small whistle and midnight picked me up with me using my powers to create a trick of the light, The Warrior stood above me and had Midnight fly back up to the ship dropping me off once more. Once they were out of sight I let the trick go and fell to the floor after using so much energy.

I look at Jay with my eyes full of hate and betrayal, "YOU PROMISED!" I yelled at him and he looked at me confused, then he and the others at Lloyd expectantly.

"was I not supposed to do one for her?" Lloyd asked his uncle, seeming to be actually confused Sensei shook his head no and everyone's eyes widened as they turned back towards the broken girl on the deck of the ship.

"Lloyd what did you do?" Jay questioned and Lloyd shrugged while responding "I uploaded a video of her singing onto the internet saying you did it. It actually went viral," he told the group Jay's eyes widened and when turning back to me to explain when they found that I was gone. I was now with Nya, in our room, while Nya comforted and reassured me.

--------TIME SKIP MY DARLINGS-------

I'm now standing on the bridge with the Ninja, Sensei, and Lloyd. I'm holding a dart while Nya holds another and she talks to the Ninja about the locations of the serpentine tombs. Jay made a comment about how throwing darts would be the same Nya and I looked at each other and she started "Good idea-"

I finished her statement "why don't we?" we each threw a dart at the board where the two open serpentine tombs were making Kai mutter "show off"and Nya explained the pattern of the snake symbol.

The boys broke off into groups and I hung out with Lloyd on the bridge. When we heard the comms, I told Lloyd I had to use the bathroom and changed really quickly, then jumped off the boat. I whistled and Midnight picked me up and dropped me off at the bogs where I kicked Pythor in the head of my way down, landing on him while the boys were stranded on a log in the bog I saluted and picked up the flute from Pythor and played it, storing the sound in my mind so that I can recreate it with my sound. Pythor stole it back and a huge group of snakes charged at me, but I made my hands glow, blinding them, then using my element of sound to recreate the song of the flute. All of the other snakes had run away because a Samurai had appeared in the sky but Pythor and I glared at each other he gave me his signature evil smirk and went to say something but the Samurai shot a net at a group of snakes and a dart at him making him slither away. I backflipped and landed on the shoulder of the Samurai looking at the bracelet on their wrist and immediately knowing who it was. The Ninja came up to us and started thanking us and saying how cool we were until Nya sprayed the with a blue liquid that made them fall unconscious. Then turned to me "So Nya... Nice suit ya got there." I tell her with a grin, hidden by my mask.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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