There are two more ninjas???

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Diana's P.O.V

A little girl in a meadow picking flowers and putting them into a little basket. A man that seemed to be her father was nearby laughing at the girl's excitement the man had turned and the girl ran towards some flowers she saw that was a little further away. "No. Don't do it." I say to the little girl she ran right through me "This must be a dream..." The girl ran but tripped and fell rolling down a hill hitting her head on a tree at the bottom, blacking out. I was back to here the older man was suddenly and he was looking around frantically for the girl I heard him shout my name and it echoed throughout the forest "or is this, a memory?" I ask no one the man rushed home and looked at his wife. He told her about how I was lost and she rushed to help look for the girl, or me? I was suddenly back at the little girl and saw figures crowding around her murmuring before one figure picked her up and led the rest of them back to their home where they began to nurture her back to health. I was suddenly back at the man who was where the child was laying before and he knew it, and that she was gone "DIANAAAAAAA!" he shouted desperation in his voice, the wife was holding started to cry and the wife was comforting her husband while shedding tears of her own. "DIANA!"

I woke up suddenly in a cold sweat, Nya noticed my panicked state and rushed over "Di what happened?" I shook my head and took a few shaky breaths was that little girl me? Was that my father? All these questions run through my head and I groan flopping back my head hitting my pillow once more.

"It's nothing Nya just a bad dream," I tell her hopefully putting her mind at ease. I should probably tell her but just not now she may figure out where I'm really from with that. I sigh "anyway isn't it time for the morning stretch thingy on the deck?" I asked my friend

"Yea but it's just ninja but we can go check on them. Let's go!" She tells me we smile at each other I get up and get changed, the two of us soon walk out and hear the boys shout,

"THE GREEN NINJA?" I jump slightly than look at a Nya confused while Sensei scolded the boys. Once they begin talking again Sensei punishes them by making them train until they could solve a riddle. Nya and I look at each other and shrug before turning to head to the main control room. I pause and told Nya that I'd catch up and ran over to Sensei.

"Sensei isn't the best way to defeat an enemy to become their friend?" I ask curiously and the man's face grew to a smile and he nodded.

"Why yes, it is Diana." This gets the ninjas attention "it is nice to know that one person on this ship has knowledge of this." He then whispered to me "do not tell the ninja for they must go through the journey to find the answer." I nod and bow Sensei leaves and the boys crowd me as soon as he is out of sight.

"Diana tell us! Please!!!" The black ninja begged I smirk and sigh "Diana we'll do anything." Jay continued.

"Tell me about the green ninja," I state sitting down on the deck motioning for them to do the same. They all proceeded to tell her about the prophecy of the green ninja, the strongest of them all except one, he was the apprentice of the energy ninja, the golden ninja. I froze energy seems to be the only thing that my powers have in common but that couldn't be me... could it? Jay asked if I would tell them the answer now and I felt the vibrations of Sensei Wu coming "Nope bye!" I ran away hearing them whine and complain, feeling Kai's glare on my back, then master Wu's voice making me giggle. I walk into the room where Nya is and see her standing at the wheel "boys am I right?" she giggled, then the alarm went off and we exchanged a worried glance before reading it and readying to prep the boys on the matter they rushed in as we finished reading the call for help. Nya told them to head to a boarding school that Garmadon(?)'s son had taken over (????) we got the signal from Jay and I threw down the lever making the boys fall right before Kai got properly situated making me laugh a little. Once the boys left I had Nya explain to me who all those people were until we were told to pull up to the roof and I saw an all too familiar purple snake making me freeze and hide. The Ninja take the little boy onto the ship and I come out of the shadows as we pull away "Woooooow you guys REALLY hurt insurance companies." I tell them with a smirk making my way to the railing and looking down at the school that now had a hole in it "not to mention property." I jumped up and sat on the railing while the boys slightly rolled their eyes at me a few with comical intentions with a small smile, while others slightly annoyed and Kai was just plain glaring at me making me roll my eyes and follow sensei. He finished reading the little boy a book on why a rabbit, I think, should never trust a snake. I looked around me and found that the ninjas were listening in as well. Sensei came out of the room and asked why the ninjas weren't training still, sensei looked over at me and nodded I looked over at the group of boys and smiled at them with kindness "the best way to defeat an enemy..." I make eye contact with Kai my eyes showing kindness "is to make them your friend." With that, I turned and went down the hall and into Nya and I's room "huh. So there are two more ninjas. This should be interesting." I talk to myself before falling back onto the bed and falling asleep.

A/N Sorry it took so long!!!!!!!!!!! Please let me know if you liked it this was really just a filler kind of because I have SO MUCH planned for the next chapter.

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