Stop the Snakes!

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It was now the morning and Diana had been showered, brushed, and clothed with some help from Nya. She looked like a different person than yesterday hence when Nya and Diana walked into breakfast Cole asked who Diana was causing the girls to laugh. Diana walked up and held her hand up for him to shake, she felt more comfortable and safe now so her personality was stronger. "Hi, I'm Nya's friend, Diana!" she introduced herself with Nya holding in her laughter behind her Cole shook her hand and began to introduce himself before realizing who she was.

"Hi I'm Co- YOUR DIANA?" he practically shouted causing Nya to burst out laughing a Kai to come stomping in unknowingly. Cole was shocked still and Diana flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I mean I think so. I think I would know who I am." she turned to Nya who was standing beside her "Nya I'm Diana right?" she asked causing Nya to try and hold in another fit of laughter.

"y-yes I do believe you are Diana." Nya stuttered then the girls turned back to Cole "Why are you guys still here anyway? Aren't you gonna go and investigate the treehouse this morning?" Nya questioned only for a new voice to answer.

"We're leaving soon sis, just waiting on Cole," Kai answered his sister. "Why is SHE still here anyway?" he asked with his own venom in his voice, glaring at Diana. The girl scoffed,

"I LIVE here ash brains. Why are you being so mean to your sister's friend?" she asked with a smirk placing one hand on her hip.

"You are NOT my sister's friend she would never become friends with someone like you." He claimed causing the girls to grin at each other, Diana stepped back and allowed Nya to be in front.

"Your right Kai she's not my friend," Nya started putting a slight emphasis on the word friend. This caused Kai to smirk and while he was about to make a hot-headed comeback at Diana, Nya finished her sentence. "She's my best friend." Nya finished resting her elbow on Diana's shoulder leaning on the girl. "I decide my friends Kai, not you."

"Got that tough guy? Now go and stomp on some snakes," she told him waving her hand to tell him to move along. Cole, still in the room was laughing his butt off at this and walked out following an angered Kai. The girls high fived and Nya and Sensei went out to follow the boys. Diana waved them goodbye and whispered to herself "perfect." she changed into her outfit and jumped off the mountain of the monastery with a whistle. She landed on Midnight's back and flew to where the boys were fighting she jumped onto the roof of the treehouse. She twirled her sais and fought the serpentine with a sort of grace using the light surrounding everyone as a weapon as well. She used her martial arts and defeated many of the serpentine and then turned to see the ninja staring at her. Cole was now under the spell of the serpentine and the Purple Warrior ran at him kicking him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him until Sensei got there and used the flute to get him out of the trance. All attention was now on the mysterious girl, she grinned under her mask and twirled her sais and placed them back into their sheaths. She gave then a salute and fell backward off the collapsing structure with a whistle and landed on the back of her dragon with a dramatic pose before flying away. She changed clothing while flying on the back of her dragon and luckily got back to the monastery before the rest. She said goodbye to her dragon and looked at the building and sighed "it's for your own good Diana." She threw herself into the flames. Burning wood was coming down all around her and she was only breathing smoke, Diana coughed and fell to her knees crawling towards the middle of the structure, once there she turned around in hopes to exit in time. She was in the middle of the fire and a huge piece of burning wood fell in front of her making her scream, she tried to go around it but then realized she was trapped in the burning building. She coughed again and began to black out the last thing she saw was a burning piece of wood about to fall onto her.

~~The Boys and Nya~~

"We have to get back to the Monastery only Diana is there right now to defend it," Sensei told the ninja and sister. As they flew they heard a faint scream causing them to go faster, they saw the ruins of the Monastery in flames, but not Diana. The group gasped and they made comments on their home until Nya remembered,

"DIANA!" She screamed once the ice dragon put out the flames the group landed and while Kai looked around at their ruined home the rest looked for Diana in the ruins. A cough was heard and a figure struggled to sit up underneath a plank that Cole lifted with ease. after throwing it in the opposite direction he picked up a slightly conscious Diana, burns marked her skin, ash in her hair. The boys then started to blame Zane, while Nya and Sensei tried to stop them. After Zane ran away focus returned to the girl who regained consciousness with a coughing fit to greet her.

"Gods I love fresh air," Diana said, her voice was slightly raspy due to the smoke. Nya, Cole, Jay, and Sensei Wu crowded the girl to make sure she was all right. "Guys I'm fine, just needed some fresh air and a place that's not on fire." she joked despite the circumstances, "I'm sorry I was unable to keep them from getting the staff, I tried to put out the fire. Then I found them and tried to fight them but the heat got to my head and that snake leader pushed me into the flames then ran, well slithered, away." Diana explained to them lying through her teeth, Jay, Cole, and Nya were all welling up causing Diana to look at them questioningly, "What?" she asked them, they all hugged her and started saying things over top one another about how she could have died and such. "guys it's okay, I didn't, I'm alright!" She reassured them "and I'm gonna train harder so that if I ever see them again I'll be ready." she said determined she heard a scoff and looked at Kai, "what? what now? You think I'm faking this because these injuries are real. I will train to be better. And I will not be loosing to those snakes again." she told him with a sharp glare that could make a person turn to stone. Kai only scoffed again and looked away from the group of people.

~~A little tiiimmee skip~~

"ZANE!" Diana exclaimed seeing her first friend she was unable to run over to him but the others did and then started to follow him after a short conversation. Cole ran back and picked up Diana bridal style, both of them not noticing the blushes on each other's faces. However, Nya noticed them both and took note to antagonize Diana later. They got to a ship that was slightly submerged in sand and ran to get on board Diana laughing slightly at the cheers given about the pie Zane made before cheering herself.

Yea I think this place is gonna be a great home. Diana thought to her self before telling Cole to set her down at the table so she could eat some pie.

A/N Ok so far I am trying to make every chapter at least 1,000 words and I'm succeeding so far so YAY! Till next time my lovelies!

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