seven - like a f-ing god or something

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Luke decided to let Brooklyn sleep it. It has been awhile where she slept in longer than him. He carefully untangled her form him and got up to start getting ready for the day and talk to Allie. He knew she was in the upstairs bathroom, so he went upstairs and knocked on the door.

"One second." He heard.

"Just meet my downstairs please."

"Okay." He went back downstairs, smiling as he saw Brooklyn sound asleep. "What's up Luke?"

"It's just with two prisoners now, plus protecting you, it's a problem." 

"I get it."

"We have nobody in the streets you know?"

"Yeah, plus you have Brooke to worry about to, people on Harry and Campbell's side of things aren't very happy that she came up with the idea of the the wine cellar. We need to train new people, expand The Guard."

"Right, it'll take some time, but we'll now better how many people we need. Once you decide if you're gonna arrest Harry." 

"I'm not. I'm not arresting him. Even if we believe Dewey, wishing someone is dead isn't a crime. It's disgusting but ... "

"Once you figure out what you're doing with Dewey and Campbell then we can move forward." 

"I know. I have a lot of decisions to make. I know. But for now. I need to think on it, and you need to protect Brooke. That is your first priority. That is an order." She joked. Luke smiled and nodded.

"Thanks Allie." The girl nodded and went back upstairs. Luke looked over and saw Bean was now awake. "Morning Bean." Luke whispered.

"Good morning. I'm gonna go out back and pray, give you guys some space." She smiled. He nodded as she walked passed him to the back door they typically keep locked. He sat down on the mattress and started rubbing Brooke's arm. She started shuffling a little bit before fully waking up.

"Hey. You're up before me?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Yup, it rarely happens so I let you sleep longer. You need it."

"I did, thank you. Wanna go to your house and make breakfast? I know Dewey is there but we can talk in private at least."

"Sure. Just get dressed." He told her. Brooke sat up and grabbed clothes out of the bag they packed. Putting on the ripped medium wash jeans and rusty orange sweater, she walked back out, putting her converse on. "Let's go." She smiled.

The couple walked the short walk to Luke's house, where they made toaster waffles and cut some oranges.

"So did you talk to Allie?" Brooke asked. 


"What is she gonna do?"

"I don't know. No idea."

"What did she say?"

"Nothing. Like nothing for days now. She can't make up her mind about either one of them. I don't know if she wants to. I think she's afraid, but wouldn't you be?" 

"Yeah, she was doing great with taking over for her sister before ... but now I'm second guessing this. Like it just really fell on her. That doesn't make you the thing." 

"Yeah, but I mean ... Come on she's doing a good job." 

"M-Maybe you should take on more responsibility."

"I don't know." 

"I mean it. People would follow you."

"Why because I'm the quarterback? Because I can throw a football in a tight spiral? I didn't even call the plays Brooke. I ... Nah ... I don't want that responsibility.

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