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About two weeks have passed since the punch on with Seth, Seth has been much more friendlier to Ajlina and me and just yesterday my friend had reminded me about the full moon turning red on the 8th of October which is the Lunar eclipse and was just three days away on Wednesday and I had good plans for it.

Heading to art I remembered while walking with Ajlina.

"Have you heard about the lunar eclipse happening?" I asked as we followed the class.

"Yeah isn't it on Wednesday?"


"Good thing we have tomorrow off Wednesday and Thursday off aye?" She said elbowing me in the ribs playing around.

"When did this get decided?" I ask I could tell my face was all scrunched up with a strange look.

"Last week" Ajlina smiled innocently as we went into art.

"I didn't here about these 'days off'"

"I don't think you were around at that time"

"Still someone should have told me" I said poking out my bottom lip as Ajlina scratched the back of her head.

"Sorry?" She said then bursted out laughing as I swung playful hard punches at her arms before we were told to be quiet and sit down!

"Anyway about Wednesday do you and the girls wanna sleep over and we can watch it?" I ask in a whisper trying not to get caught by our evil art teacher.

"Which girls?"

"Taleena, Jorgia, Teia, Te-Manu, Cheyanne, Maddy, you, and Jawa."

"Aren't they all our shapeshifter friends?"

"Yeah because I was thinking when the moon becomes fully red we could shift and all go for a run or something" I smiled since it's probably the only best idea I have ever come up with before.

"Sounds good is there anybody else you want to bring..?" She asked staring at me knowing it's like she can read my mind.

"Maybe..." I say feeling my face go red.

"Who are they?" She questions still staring but in a playful way.

"Ty, Levi, Seth, Kayne and Jackson since I want to make friends with Seth after what had happened since he has become really nice and I want to show that I have forgiven him..."

"Ugh, really?"

"It's not that bad come on" I laughed as everyone started moving around and me and Ajlina had no idea what we were supposed to be doing.

"I suppose but what's your mum gonna say about it?"

"It's gonna have to do with a lot of convincing and begging" I sigh looking to the whiteboard.

"But she might budge" I say resting my head on my palm.

"Well we might as well as get everyone's number since it will be holidays so we can't talk if your mum says yes or no so let's tell them what's happening today" Ajlina suggests and she is right.

"Ok we will do it at snack break then" After our little chat we went to go find people who could help us in what we were supposed to listen to which we didn't and that made us completely lost.

(Sorry for the short chapter I have been busy with a project and just wanted to update this part before I had forgotten. The next chapter will be longer)

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