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Chapter 14

Taehyung's POV

"Hello?" The house was dark and cold, no one was in sight. Not my father not my mother not even the servants. I closed the door behind me and slowly made my way up the stairs. Finally I could hear them, my parents were in their room arguing.
I dropped by bags by my bedroom door and slowly made my way over to their room. "Why can't you just let him go and live his life? You don't even care for him" I stopped when I heard my mother trying to stick up for me.

"If you wouldn't have messed around we wouldn't even have to be dealing with that fuck up! You begged me to take him in and treat him as my own and now you want me to just let him go? After he has lived off my food my money and disrespected my family image!"

What was he talking about? I stood there confused as I peeked inside the room. "I would have never asked you to do those things if I knew you were going to treat him the way you do! He's still like your son after all"
I could see the anger rising in my fathers eyes as he lifted his hand and slapped my mother across the face "That thing will never be my son!" I quickly bursted into the room and ran to my mothers side.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled as I held my mother close to my chest "Mom are you okay?" She shook her head yes and tried to push me back out of the room but I wouldn't let her. "I came back what more do you want from me" my father looked unamused by my loud voice. He wiped his hand as if he were disgusted that he had to touch my mother.

"I told you she would pay the consequences of your actions and yet you still took off for a whole month. I've had it up to hear with the both of you. You will do as I say or else" I held my mother closer to my side as her faint cries were heard in the room. "And if I don't?"

"Did I not just make myself clear" he said walking up to me. I did my best to stand my ground but felt myself start to shake when he was a few inches away. He raised his hand to hit me and I instantly flinched but the hit never came, instead he just laughed at my weakness.

"Just as expected, the weak mutt cowers in the corner." He laughed again and took a seat on the bed "You'll both do as I say. Especially you Taehyung, you will marry that girl and do as her and her father say. I will not have you ruining this business relationship again. Do you even know what I had to go through to try and cover for your ass for running away? You should be kissing my feet right now"

I felt disgusted with myself I couldn't even stick up for me or my mother. I was weak and worthless. I looked back at my mothers pleading eyes and felt my body shake once again with anger. Her poor beautiful face looked so tired and the purple bruise was already starting to form on her cheek.

"If I do this you have to promise me something" I said still looking at my mother, she looked so scared and it pained me to see such fear in her. I then looked back at my so called father "If I follow your rules and marry this girl you have to promise me something"

He looked unamused as he loosened his tie "Oh are we demanding things now?" I rolled my eyes "If i do what you say I want you to let my mom go, I don't care about your image. Just let her go, set her up somewhere and let her live her life. Please I beg of you, it's not like you love her. You just keep her here to have control over me and Namjoon"

My mother looked panic as she glanced over at my father and then me. I knew she wanted to leave and I knew she would never try to leave out of fear. But I couldn't take seeing her like this anymore. I had to do something and if that meant giving up my life and freedom to gain hers then so be it.

The room was silent for some time as my father just stared at me "So if I let her go, you won't give me any more trouble? You'll do as I say and when I say?" I nodded fearing for what he might ask of me later on if this did pan out. But if it meant my mother could be free and happy then it would all be worth it.
He thought for a while longer until a disturbing grin spread across his face "Okay Taehyung, I will take you up in your offer. We will move the wedding up to this week and after that your mother is free to leave." I exhaled and my mother started to cry again "I won't let you do this Taehyungie, your too young. Go and live your life sweetheart I'll be fine" I shook my head and pulled her into my chest hugging her tightly "No mom, it's your time to be happy"


The week seemed to move way too quickly, I had my fathers lawyer draw up the divorce papers and made sure that my mother got a fare amount of money. I needed everything to be legit so she wouldn't be bound to this evil man anymore. I had told Namjoon about the arrangement but not in detail, I just mentioned that they were getting a divorce and that mom would be leaving us soon.
He seemed confused about it all but didn't question how or why. He was happy that mom would be able to live her own life for a change instead of being a trophy wife. He never new that she was abused by our father and I planned on keeping it that way. I didn't want him to find out and do something crazy, I could handle all the beatings as long as my mother and brother were okay.
"You sure you want to do this?" I looked up at Namjoon and shrugged "I don't have much of a choice" he shook his head and grabbed my shoulders "Of course you do, I can talk to dad. You don't have to get married" I shook my head no and took a deep breath. "I'm doing this for the better of the family Hyung. It's time I grow up and stop running away like some scared boy. I need to face my fate."

He sighed and let go of me "What about y/n? You know this is going to be all over every news outlet...have you talked to her?" My heart stung at the sound of her name. I hadn't talked to any of them sense I left. I had read their messages and listened to their voicemails but I never responded. I promised myself I wouldn't drag them into this mess.
Just then our mother came in, we both smiled and Namjoon walked over to her kissing her cheek. "Wow mom you look beautiful" she smiled and sat down "Taehyung sweetie please don't do this"

Namjoon looked confused at her words but stayed silent "I know you are trying to protect me but I can handle myself, don't sign your life away to that man. It's bad enough this one did" she motioned towards Namjoon as his brows furrowed in even more confusion. "Mom" I said but she held her hand up interrupting me. "Taehyung, you know that man isn't your real father don't you" I lowered my head, I did no. In fact I kind of always knew but I never heard my mother confirm it before.

"Wait what?" Namjoon shouted but we both ignored him, maybe it was about time Namjoon learned a few things about our family. If my mom was willing to say things in front of him for a change maybe it was for the better.  "I know mom, but I have to do this. There is no other way to guarantee your safety."
I watched as the tears gleamed in her eyes, she took my hand and kissed it gently. "My sweet boy, there is nothing in this world I can't handle. But you being at that mans beck in call is one thing I won't allow." She took a deep breath "You have no idea about the things he will ask and make you do"

"What is going on? Mom are you in some kind of trouble?" Namjoon asked kneeling down in front of our Mother. She cupped his face "You are so incredibly smart Namjoon but sometimes you can be so.." "Dumb" I said, my mother quickly hitting my arm. I laughed a little as did she, but Namjoon just sat there with confusion on his face trying to put the pieces together.

"I'm doing this mom, but don't worry as soon as I know your free and doing okay I'll be free to. I have a plan, so don't worry about me okay? Just let me do this for you please" with pleading eyes she hesitantly nodded and right on queue the music started.
It was time for me to get married...truth was I had no plan. I just wanted my mother to be set. I'd have to try and figure the rest out later.

A/N sorry it's kinda short and rushed. This only have about four more chapters so be prepared for disappointment lol

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