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Taehyung's POV

I smiled as the rain started to hit my face, I looked up at the gloomy sky and just let the water wash over me. The fresh rain smell filled my nostrils as I started to walk again, people were rushing for cover as others were opening their umbrellas. I smiled watching normal people doing normal things, I couldn't help but feel happy even if it was storming down on me. I was free. In a different city where no one knew my name or knew who I was and it was so refreshing. I continued to walk down the busy street not sure where I was going or what I should even be doing. I had no set schedule and no one telling me what and where I needed to be. I glanced around and noticed a cafe up ahead, my stomach instantly growled.
I looked around and quickly ran across the street and into the building. It was fairly empty just a few people hiding out from the rain, I got in line to order some grub as well as a hot beverage. "It's really coming down out there huh?"
I looked up at the voice and noticed him staring at my wet clothes, I looked down at my feet and noticed I had created a trail of water. "Oh uh I'm sorry about that" he laughed and came around from the counter with a towel "No worries" I quickly grabbed some napkins and tried to help the guy clean up my mess. "Really it's okay, it's all part of the glorious job" he laughed but I didn't quite get what was so funny about the situation. I nodded and stood up as he finished up "So what can I get for you?" He asked as he washed his hands behind the counter. As I ordered half the menu I couldn't help but glance over at a group of people in the corner. They had been making a fuss sense I walked in, as I glanced over my eyes locked with one of the girls in the corner. Her eyes were warm and inviting, she gave me a slight smile as one of the guys across from her shouted once again. She laughed and looked back at the guy "Um excuse me...your name?" I looked back at the friendly guy behind the counter "oh um Sorry it's uh Tae" he nodded and handed me my recite "Your order should be out in a few minutes" I thanked him and sat by the window so I could watch the rain.
I pulled out the new phone I had bought prior to coming to this cafe and started to dial. My thumb hesitated over the call button, I know I should make the call but a part of me worried that if I did this new found freedom would be gone all to quickly. "Here's your manly hot chocolate" I glanced up at the guy with a confused expression "It's just a joke, not a lot of guys order hot chocolate around here mainly kids...but uh no judgements...I'm Jimin by the way" I nodded not really caring about who he was. "Uh...food should be out in just a few moments" I mumbled a thank you and watched as he walked over to the noisy group in the corner. He seemed to know them on a personal level, he sat on the guy that shouted earlier and leaned over to kiss the girl that was sitting next to him.
I looked away when I seen the girl with the soft warm eyes glanced over at me again. I took a sip of my drink and looked back down at my phone.


"Um not to rush you but we are closing in like 15ish minuets..." I glanced up at the guy who introduced himself as Jimin "Oh, um sorry I didn't realize it was so late" I said trying to collect myself, I had been staring at my phone and catching glances at the noisey group for the last two hours. "No worries" he said glancing down at my phone "Jimin" I looked over at the angelic voice and met eyes with the girl once more, she smiled at me again making my cheeks feel warm. I quickly looked down at my phone again as Jimin headed over to the group. "We're heading out, you coming to the apartment after or are you going to Kiki's?" I smiled at the teasing tone in her voice, it was easy to hear their conversation seeing as I was the only other person in the cafe. "Don't wait up" he smiled, there was only one guy left with the beautiful girl and it was the one who was being obnoxious the whole time. Probably her boyfriend.
"Shall we go explore?" She asked as she got up and gathered her things, the obnoxious guy got up and nodded. He smirked and then wrapped his arm around her waist "Definitely, see you Jimin" he said as they headed out of the cafe. It was still raining out, I watched her face closely. Her eyes filled with excitement and her bright smile was wide showing a dimple on her right cheek. I smiled to myself as I watched them run across the street laughing. "Five minutes Tae"
I looked back confused as to how he knew my name and then remembered telling him once I ordered. "Right, sorry" I said getting to my feet. I grabbed my backpack and phone and headed towards the door not sure of where to go. I stepped outside and stood under the ledge for a moment trying to think of what to do next. I didn't really think this through. A second later Jimin was at my side locking the door to the cafe "Come with me" I raised my brow at him "Excuse me"
"You don't have a place to go right?" He asked as he popped open his umbrella. "I can find a hotel, it's no problem" I said pulling out my phone. "My place is just up the street, your more than welcome to come stay for the night. To be honest I'm not sure you'll find a hotel that has availability around here because of the festival that's going on" I had no clue what this guy was talking about. "How do you know I'm not a killer or something? What if I steal everything while you sleep?" He laughed, he seemed to do that a lot "I guess that's a risk I'm willing to take. So are you coming or not? I'm cold" I hesitated for a moment, I didn't know this guy. What if he tried to kill me? I looked him up and down again, I was much taller than him I'm sure i could take him if he tried anything. "Um sure" I said not confident with my decision. He laughed again and motioned for me to follow him.

On the way he called his girlfriend I'm assuming and told her to come to his place instead. I didn't want to be a third wheel and tried to look for hotels on the way but he assured me I wouldn't be a third wheel.
Four blocks away we reached his apartment. As we walked in music was playing and I heard a few voices "See you won't be a third wheel" he laughed "Just drop your stuff there and take your shoes off y/n will kill you if you wear shoes in the house" I took off my shoes and set my bag down before following him into the living area.
"Hey I thought you were going to Kiki's" the obnoxious guy from earlier was sitting on the couch with a video game controller in hand "Shes coming here so don't disturb us later. By the way this is Tae he's staying with us tonight. Tae this is Jungkook" obnoxious guy has a name, I said a quiet hello. He nodded his head over at me and continued his game, I felt like I was in a dream. How were these people so okay with bringing a stranger home? Were they all nuts? "Where is y/n?" Jimin asked "Her room, she got an unpleasant call so we just came home. But you better go tell her you brought another stray puppy home" Jungkook responded Jimin laughed and motioned for me to take a seat as he headed down the hall.
The apartment was nice for someone who worked at a cafe, I looked around at the place not sure how I got myself in this situation on my first night of freedom. "Do you play?" I looked over at Jungkook and then at the tv "Um no, I've never played" his expression was unreadable. He got up and handed me a controller "I'll teach you"

After a few rounds a girl entered the apartment, it was the girl Jimin had kissed at the cafe so I was assuming this was the famous Kiki. She flashed us a smile and called me cute before heading down the hall, I figured she went to find Jimin. "I better go check on them, they've been in there a while. Don't like steal anything." I nodded as Jungkook jumped up and disappeared. I laughed a little at myself, how on earth did I agree to all this? And what was I still doing here? I debated on leaving and going to find a hotel even if that meant taking an Uber that would cost me an arm and a leg. But something about this whole situation made me want to stay...this was by far the most exciting and irresponsible thing I've ever done.
"Sorry about disappearing" I looked up and seen Jimin again, it oddly made me feel better. Not like I knew him any better than the rest of them. "Y/n and I were talking, anyways help yourself to anything in the kitchen. The bathroom is just down this hall and to the left. You can crash on the couch, I'll bring you some blankets" before I could get a word in he disappeared again. I could hear Jungkook laughing in the other room, I was getting curious as to who this y/n person was. I wondered if it was the beauty from the cafe, I was hoping it was. The name suited her beautiful features. "Here you are, my room is the first door to the right if you need anything but uh if you can...try not to need anything and don't mind the noises. You can just turn the tv up" he seemed to get embarrassed by his own comments immediately.
I couldn't help but laugh a little "Will do, and Thank you Jimin. Really, this is very kind of you all" he nodded and smiled "No worries Tae, we all know what it's like to not have anyone. Anyways Good Night" I said good night and then was left alone in the living space, I sat there for a moment and processed my thoughts.
I sighed and then pulled out my phone and dialed the number again, this time I hit that call button. "Taehyung? Tae is that you?" The urgency in the voice made me feel guilty "Yes" I mumbled "Where are you? Are you okay? Tell me where you are I'm coming to get you before they do"

So this is my first time doing something like this I hope you guys like it? I'm not sure how to post stuff so hopefully I'm doing this right haha 💜

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