Chapter 47

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Alyssa shut her eyes tight as the ground rumbled beneath them, unconciously grabbing onto Carter's sleeve. A powerful gust of wind passed under her nose, and she feared the end. But, to her surprise, the numbing effect of electrecity never came. She was sure she had heard Karl yell a spell. So where was the impact?

The answer was before her when she opened her lids, a wall of sheer earth stretched in between them and the boy, crackling with the electricity that should've hit them. Shocked, she glanced at Carter, who shook his head, telling her he wasn't the one who had done that. But then, who?

They walked past the mud wall and found Karl staring up at it with wide eyes himself. Behind him, stood the culprit. Alyssa gasped. With a hand out in front of him, Adrian Abbot bored daggers into the Capricorn's back through his dangerously straight bangs. Noticing their focused gaze, Karl turned sharply, anger surging in his being.

"You..." He sneered with a wrinkled nose. "Just what do you think you're doing?!"

Adrian clenched his jaw, putting his hand down. "You promised." He took a few intimidating steps forward, stilling the blonde boy. "You said they wouldn't hurt my sister."

Alyssa knew he was talking about Juliet, gulping as she thought of what could've happened to her for him to be this mad.

"So what if I did?!" Karl bellowed, his veins popping. "It's not like you did what you were assigned to do!"

"You never said they were going to kill people!"

"Oh yeah?!" He barked a sarcastic laugh. "Why're you acting so innocent, boy? Didn't you know what you were signing up for?!" Adrian didn't answer, looking away. "Huh?!"

A thick tension filled the air, Karl breathing heavily as he stared Adrian down, who now had his eyes fixated on the ground. Alyssa clutched the ends of her frilly dress, looking at her best friend's brother nervously. Just what had he gotten himself into?

"I've had it with all of you...." Karl raised his arm, the leaves by his feet lifting from his magic energy. "Arcane Thunder Craft!" He yelled. The wind chilled, and the skies roared, a dark aura enveloping the place.

"Stop it!" Adrian cried, as if he knew the consequences of the spell he was about to cast. Alyssa dared to look up, and saw the trees highlighted by the sudden flashes pulsing in the sky. She shifted her attention back to the blonde boy, whose lips were itching to utter the final words to his Arcane.

But, before he could, the gate to the Virgo Clan lit up, and a person passed through. Without a moment of hesitation, Lady Julliana seized the boy's elevated hand, twisted it behind him, and pushed him to the ground. And, as if nothing had ever happened, the wind calmed, the sky cleared, and the only sound that remained was Karl's struggled grunts.

"You dare disrupt the peace of my Clan?" Very slowly, she lowered her head, her foot piercing Karl's back.

"F-forgive me..." He barely said, his coughs allowing him to do so much. She pressed harder, making him gasp for breath. Then, she craned her neck, her gaze directed at Adrian.

The boy avoided her gaze, not wanting to face the dissapointment she was emitting. "Adrian Abbot." She started gravely, flicking her cloak. "You are hereby banished from the Virgo Clan."

His head sunk further, whilst Alyssa's jaw dropped in disbelief. "You-you can't just do that!" She protested in his place. She knew the woman had authority and all, but she could atleast ask him some questions.

"Silence!" Alyssa shivered as she locked her icy glare on her next. "You have no right to interfere!"

"But-" She was inturrepted by Carter, who held her back, his face solemn. As she gave him a pleading look, Adrian slipped out of sight, into the darkness of the trees. There was no point in him being there anymore. He knew his voice would never be heard. So he fled, while he still could.

Clicking her tongue, the leader of the Virgo let go of the boy under her foot, who crawled out of the way immediately, his breaths ragged when they came out. "Flee," she said with her nose tipped to the sky, "flee and never, ever return."

He didn't even speak, his mouth trembling as he stumbled over his steps before getting up, and literally ran for his life in the opposite direction.

Alyssa didn't understand. She didn't get why Adrian was treated in such a harsh manner, whilst their enemy was shown mercy. It made her even more furious at the beautiful, fierce woman named Julliana. She clenched her fists and held her breath as she passed by them, not even sparing them a moment of her time. Her golden hair blew with the breeze behind her, the green emblem of the Virgo embedded at the back of her royal cloak.

And with that, she was gone. Karl was gone. Adrian was gone. Only Alyssa and Carter remained, their features pinched, their minds trying to make sense of what had just happened.

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